Measurement of Nu(Mu) and Nu(E) Events in an Off-Axis Horn-Focused Neutrino Beam

P. Adamson,A. A. Aguilar-Arevalo,C. E. Anderson,A. O. Bazarko,M. Bishai,S. J. Brice,B. C. Brown,L. Bugel,J. Cao,B. C. Choudhary,L. Coney,J. M. Conrad,D. C. Cox,A. Curioni,Z. Djurcic,D. A. Finley,B. T. Fleming,R. Ford,H. R. Gallagher,F. G. Garcia,G. T. Garvey,C. Green,J. A. Green,D. Harris,T. L. Hart,E. Hawker,J. Hylen,R. Imlay,R. A. Johnson,G. Karagiorgi,P. Kasper,T. Katori,T. Kobilarcik,S. Kopp,I. Kourbanis,S. Koutsoliotas,E. M. Laird,S. K. Linden,J. M. Link,Y. Liu,L. Loiacono,W. C. Louis,A. Marchionni,K. B. M. Mahn,W. Marsh,G. McGregor,M. D. Messier,W. Metcalf,P. D. Meyers,F. Mills,G. B. Mills,J. Monroe,C. D. Moore,J. K. Nelson,R. H. Nelson,V. T. Nguyen,P. Nienaber,J. A. Nowak,S. Ouedraogo,R. B. Patterson,Z. Pavlovic,D. Perevalov,C. C. Polly,E. Prebys,J. L. Raaf,H. Ray,B. P. Roe,A. D. Russell,V. Sandberg,R. Schirato,D. Schmitz,M. H. Shaevitz,F. C. Shoemaker,W. Smart,D. Smith,M. Sodeberg,M. Sorel,P. Spentzouris,I. Stancu,R. J. Stefanski,M. Sung,H. A. Tanaka,R. Tayloe,M. Tzanov,P. Vahle,R. Van de Water,B. Viren,M. O. Wascko,D. H. White,M. J. Wilking,H. J. Yang,F. X. Yumiceva,G. P. Zeller,E. D. Zimmerman,R. Zwaska
Abstract:We report the first observation of off-axis neutrino interactions in the MiniBooNE detector from the NuMI beam line at Fermilab. The MiniBooNE detector is located 745 m from the NuMI production target, at 110 mrad angle (6.3 degrees) with respect to the NuMI beam axis. Samples of charged-current quasielastic numicro and nue interactions are analyzed and found to be in agreement with expectation. This provides a direct verification of the expected pion and kaon contributions to the neutrino flux and validates the modeling of the NuMI off-axis beam.
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