Measure-Valued Branching Diffusions: Immigrations, Excursions and Limit Theorems
ZH Li,T Shiga
Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University
Abstract:in ' to in d ic a te t h e o rd e r o f continuous differentiability, e.g., C ( D ) , C ( D ) .(12( 1 ) = C ( R d ) , a n d g '(R d ) is th e space of Schwartz distributions on R d .1.2.Immigration processes.L e t a n M B D p ro c e ss (X " P m ) b e f ix e d .Following [19] a n d [30], we introduce th e n o tio n o f an immigraion process.Definition 1.1.A n M a (S)-valued diffusion process (Y e , Q " ) is c a lle d an immigration diffusion process o f th e M B D process (X "if (1',), " under Q, and (X, + Y , 0 u n d er P o x Q , have identical laws in C([0, co), M p (S)) for every e Mp (S).By Definition 1.1, the transition law {Q ": ye M p (S )} is uniquely determined by {Pi,: p e M p (S)} and Q 0 .In the sequel, we call (Y " Q") simply an immigration process of (X " P") instead of an immigration diffusion process since we are only concerned with diffusion processes in th is p a p e r .Furtherm ore w e impose the following technical condition:Definition 1.2.A family of a-finite measures (K " o n S is called a locally p-integrable entrance law of (T ) if kr = k r 'T, for all r, t > 0, and if the integral Ks (p)ds is finite for a ll t > 0 .It is easy to check by equation (1.5) that fo r a locally p-integrable entrance law (K t ) o f ( T,), w e have K " ( = urn , ( I f )