The Science of Happiness: Exploration and Contribution
Peng Kaiping,Dou Donghui,Liu Xiaocen
Abstract:The last decade has witnessed an emergence of a new scientific discipline devoted to study human happiness.It units efforts from vast different disciplines such as psychology,sociology,anthropology,economics,political science and life science to explore common themes of understanding and promoting human well-being and human strengths.The primary goal of this approach is to help people achieving happiness by distributing resources effectively and improving harmony between individual psychology and social-cultural environments.There are mainly four sets of questions in this new area of research.The first set concerns the relationships between perceptual,cognitive,emotional experiences and human happiness.The second set investigates the factors benefits human well-beings and the skills of acquiring happiness.The third set are empirical studies that have discovered the neural and biological mechanisms of happiness,developed measurement of happiness and well-being,and untangled the complex relationships of happiness with money,intimacy and human culture.The fourth line of research are applied studies that focus on the positive effects of happiness on individual health,creativity,work productivity and social stability.All these endeavors would fascinate the rapid development of the science of happiness in China and beyond.