The Optimization of ISSR-PCR System of Cotton by Uniform Design

Abstract:In present study,ISSR-PCR reaction conditions on Gossypium spp.were optimized.The factors which affect ISSR re-sults of Gossypium spp.were investigated by uniform designs of two times.The results showed that 0.5 U Taq polymerase,40 ng template DNA,0.25 mmol.L-1 dNTPs,0.5 μmol.L-1 primer and 2.0 mmol.L-1 Mg2+ in 20 μL ISSR reaction system might be the best combination.To validate the ISSR-PCR reaction system above,eight cultivars of Gossypium and three ISSR primers were employed in the research.It is indicated that the ISSR reaction system would be more productive and repeatable
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