Study of Status and Development Direction of International Disruptive Innovation: Based on Co-word Analysis
Xiaoxiao Shi,Qingpu Zhang
Abstract:Adopting the co-word analysis method, this research dealt with 490 scientific articles concerning disruptive innovation collected by Scopus from 1998 to 2015, aiming to illustrate the main hot topics, corresponding theme clusters, and change trends based on knowledge mapping and knowledge networks. The results of this review indicate that the development in disruptive innovation research is composed of three phases. The main research themes in this domain have shifted away from disruptive technology and the conception of disruptive innovation to the internal drivers, effective pathway for implementation, and classification of disruptive innovation, and finally external drivers, market-related drivers, and technology-related drivers. The hot topics have transformed from disruptive technology and innovation to technology innovation, technology management, and finally market-related drivers and competitive strategies. As the future research directions, this domain will be rooted in explorations from several perspectives in-cluding the technology forecast during disruptive innovation process, theoretical building within the context of China, the measurement of disruptiveness, and crossover administration of "Internet plus".