HumanPoliovirus Receptor GeneExpression andPoliovirus Tissue Tropism inTransgenic Mice

Abstract:Expression ofthehumanpoliovirus receptor (PVR)intransgenic miceresults insusceptibility topoliovirus infection. Intheprimate host, poliovirus infection ischaracterized byrestricted tissue tropism. Todetermine thepattern ofpoliovirus tissue tropism inPVR transgenic mice, PVR geneexpression andsusceptibility to poliovirus infection wereexamined byinsitu hybridization. PVRRNA isexpressed intransgenic miceathigh levels inneurons ofthecentral andperipheral nervoussystem, developing T lymphocytes inthethymus, epithelial cells ofBowman's capsule andtubules inthekidney, alveolar cells inthelung, andendocrine cells intheadrenal cortex, anditisexpressed atlowlevels inintestine, spleen, andskeletal muscle. After infection, poliovirus replication wasdetected onlyinneurons ofthebrain andspinal cordandinskeletal muscle. These results demonstrated thatpoliovirus tissue tropism isnotgoverned solely byexpression ofthePVR genenor byaccessibility ofcells tovirus. Although transgenic mousekidney tissue expressed poliovirus binding sites and wasnotasite ofpoliovirus replication, whencultivated invitro, kidney cells developed susceptibility to infection. Identification ofthechanges incultured kidney cells thatpermit poliovirus infection mayprovide information onthemechanism ofpoliovirus tissue tropism.
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