Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci (qtls) for Rice Protein and Fat Content Using Doubled Haploid Lines

Zhong-Li Hu,Ping Li,Ming-Quan Zhou,Zhi-Hong Zhang,Ling-Xia Wang,Li-Huang Zhu,Ying-Guo Zhu
IF: 2.1849
Abstract:Rice protein content (RPC) and rice fatcontent (RFC) are two important componentsof rice nutritional quality. In order toexamine the genetic basis of these traits,a doubled haploid (DH) population and anRFLP linkage map consisting of 232 markerloci were used to search QTLs for thetraits with the computer programQTLMapper1.0. This program is based onmixed linear models and allows simultaneousmapping of both main-effect and digenicepistastic QTLs in a DH population. RPC andRFC were evaluated based on a dry weightbasis of head rice by the Kjeldahl andSoxhlet methods respectively. A total offive main-effect QTLs for RPC wereresolved. The five QTLs collectivelyexplained 74% of the phenotypic variationwith LOD=15.2. Among these QTLs, the majorQTL qRPC-5 with the largest effectwas mapped in the interval of RG435-RG172aon chromosome 5. It accounted for 35% ofthe phenotypic variation with a LOD of16.7. At this locus the allele from theparent `Gui 630' increased RPC by 1.32%.The second QTL qRPC-7 was mapped inthe interval ZG34B-G20 on chromosome 7. Itexplained 23% of the phenotypic variancewith a LOD of 6.1. Its positive alleles,also from the parent `Gui 630', increasedRPC by 1.05%. As for the remaining threeQTLs, their additive effects wererelatively small and their positive alleleswere all inherited from the parent `02428'.Three QTLs for RFC were mapped onchromosome 1, 2 and 5 respectively. Theycollectively explained 44% of thephenotypic variation. Among these loci,QTLs qRFC-2 and qRFC-5 withlarger effects individually accounted for24% and 26% of the phenotypic variancerespectively. At QTL qRFC-2 thepositive allele came from the parent `Gui630', while at QTL qRFC-5 thepositive allele from the parent `02428'.The fact that both parents possess thepositive alleles at the QTLs for the twotraits provides an appropriate explanationfor the large transgressive segregationobserved in the DH lines. Furthermore, onlyone pair of epistatic loci explaining only5.1% of the phenotypic variance wasdetected for RPC, whereas seven pairs ofepistatic loci were resolved for RFC. Thetotal absolute effects of these RFCinteractions amounted to 0.97% which ismuch larger than that (0.42%) of the threemain-effect QTLs for the trait. Alongwith the observation that RPC showed a highheritability (78%), these resultsdemonstrate that RPC in the DH populationcould be mainly controlled by relativelyfew QTLs with large main-effects. As forRFC, epistatic interactions might be aneven more important component of thegenetic basis and the segregation of the DHlines could be largely explained by a fewmain-effect QTLs and many epistatic loci.In addition, a highly negative correlation( r = –0.45) between RPC and RFC inthe DH population was observed. Thiscorrelation could be largely explained bythe linkage of qRPC-5 and qRFC-5 with the directions of effectsopposite and the co-locations of the twoepistatic loci for RFC respectively withtwo different main-effect QTLs for RPC. Theinformation reported in the present papermay be useful for improving ricenutritional quality by means ofmarker-assisted selection.
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