Classification System of Chronic Gvhd Impacts Risk Factors

R. W. Jacobs,H. Chen,B. N. Savani,A. Kassim,C. Clifton,L. A. Vaughan,C. E. Lucid,M. Jagasia
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Abstract:Risk factors associated with chronic graft-versus-host-disease (cGVHD) after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation have been studied using the limited/extensive (L/E) classification. In 2005, the NIH criteria were proposed and have been validated as a prognostic tool in retrospective studies. It is unclear if the previously identified risk factors of cGVHD apply to cGVHD as defined by NIH criteria. At our center, patients undergoing allo-HCT with a survival of > 100 days are transitioned to the Long Term Transplant Clinic. Grading and staging of GVHD using NIH criteria (including severity) and L/E classification has been done prospectively since 2006. We analyzed risk factors associated with GVHD after day 100 and compared the factors using both classifications. Patients characteristics are summarized in Table 1(n = 205, cord transplant excluded). All 11 risk factors were analyzed using univariate analysis.Table 1Patient characteristicsRisk FactorVariableN (205)%1Age, median, (range) years47 (18-70)2Regiment Intensity:Ablative/other110/9454/46TBI∗Total body irradiation, # CMV-cytomegalovirus, ¥ R/D-recipient/donor, ∂ applicable for classic/overlap cGVHD only, € 37/84 unrelated donors received in-vivo T-cell depletion.: yes/no75/12937/633Gender:Female donor-> male recipient/other54/14028/724Donor Type:Related/Unrelated120/84€59/41€5Stem Cell Source:Peripheral Blood/Bone Marrow166/3981/196Disease Risk Status (CIBMTR)Low10551Intermediate6130High26137CMV #:R/D¥ +/+ vs. other68/13034/668Acute GVHD-maximum grade:0-1 vs. 2-453/14327/739Day 100 - on steroids:Yes/No87/11044/5610Platelet count (x 10∧9/L):< 100 vs. ≥ 10080/11641/5911Day 100 total bilirubin (mg/dL):Median (range).8 (.2-2.6)Limited/extensive GVHD ClassificationNone4421Limited3316Extensive12862NIH Criteria - GVHD ClassificationNone4421Acute subtypes3316Classic/Overlap cGVHD12862Severity∂Mild65Moderate5543Severe6551∗ Total body irradiation, # CMV-cytomegalovirus, ¥ R/D-recipient/donor, ∂ applicable for classic/overlap cGVHD only, € 37/84 unrelated donors received in-vivo T-cell depletion. Open table in a new tab GVHD beyond day 100 was seen in 151 of 205 patients (76%). Bone marrow (BM) (versus PBSC) as graft source (61% vs. 82%, P < 0.001), and use of in vivo T-cell depletion (versus no T-cell depletion) (54% vs. 84%, P < 0.0001) was associated with decreased L/E cGVHD. Using the NIH classification, BM (38% vs. 70%, P = 0.003) and in vivo T cell depletion (32% vs. 73%, P < 0.001) had a lower incidence of classic/overlap cGVHD compared to no GVHD. Grade 2-4 acute GVHD (aGVHD) and use of steroids for aGVHD at day 100 was associated with a higher incidence of acute subtypes/no GVHD beyond day 100 compared to classic/overlap cGVHD (69% vs. 31%, P = 0.018; 67% vs. 33%, P = 0.052). Adjusted for donor type, aGVHD, and day 100 steroid use, only BM as stem cell source was an independent predictor of decreased L/E cGVHD (OR 0.37, P = 0.017). BM as stem cell source, remained an independent factor for decreased classic/overlap cGVHD (OR 0.3, P = 0.009). The 2 yr overall survival (OS) for the entire cohort was 86% (95% CI, 81.6- 92). Patients with classic/overlap cGVHD had a superior OS compared to acute subtypes/none (P = 0.005). Only stem cell source (BM) remained an independent predictor of OS (HR 2.38, 95% CI 1.05-5.41, P = 0.039). This study shows that graft source remains an important risk factor of cGVHD irrespective of the classification system, but the incidence of cGVHD using the NIH criteria is significantly lower. Other known risk factors of L/E cGVHD were not predictive of cGVHD as defined by the NIH criteria.
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