Spatial Aggregation : Modeling and controllingphysical fields

Christopher Bailey-kellogg,Zhao Feng
Abstract:Many important physical phenomena, such as temperature distribution,air flow, and acoustic waves, are described as continuous, distributed parameter fields. Controlling and optimizing these physical processes and systems are com- mon design tasks in many scientificand engineer- ing domains . However, the challenges are multi- fold: distributed fieldsare conceptually harder to reason about than lumped parameter models ; computational methods are prohibitivelyexpen- sivefor complex spatialdomains ;the underlying physics imposes severe constraintson observabil- ity and controllability . This paper develops an ontological abstraction and an aggregation-disaggregation mechanism .in a framework collectivelyknown as spatial ag- gregation (SA), for reasoning about and syn- thesizing distributed control schemes for phys- ical fields. The ontological abstraction mod- els physical fieldsas networks of spatialobjects. The aggregation-disaggregation mechanism em- ploys a setof data types and genericoperators to find a feasiblecontrol structure, specifying con- trol placement and associated actions that sat- isfy given constraints. SA abstracts common computational patterns of controldesign and op- timization in a small number of operators to support modular programming ;itbuilds concise and articulablestructural descriptions forphysi- cal fields. We illustratethe use of the SA onto- logicalabstraction and operators in an example of regulating a thermal fieldin industrialheat treatment .
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