Transfers of air pollutant emissions embodied in China's foreign trade based on MRIO model
LI Yong-yuan,ZHANG Wei,JIANG Hong-qiang,WANG Feng,HOU Li-li,WANG Jin-nan
Abstract:Multi-region input-output (MRIO) model with air pollutant inventories including sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), inhalable particulate matter (PM10) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) was adopted with the quantitative analysis on transfer of atmospheric pollutant emission embodied in China's trades with other countries in 2012. The results showed that China was the exporter of embodied SO2, NOx, PM10 emissions and the importer of embodied NMVOC emissions. The embodied air pollutantemission caused by the purchase of Chinese goods (such as Electricity, Gas and Water, Heavy Industry and Mining and Quarrying) by the EU, East Asia and the USA, contributed to approximately 70% of China's export-embodied atmospheric pollution emissions. The imported merchandises from Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East & North Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia and the EU that embodied 3.1×106t NMVOC emissions consumed by China accounted for 69.2% of China's imports-embodied NMVOC. In order to alleviate the environmental burden brought by cross-border trade, this paper put forward relevant policy recommendations,such as strengthening pollution emissions control of heavy pollution industries, developing green economy and pushing forward global green supply chains, etc.