Observations of Π-B Charge-Flavor Correlations and Resonant Bπ and BK Production

OPAL Collaboration,R. Akers,G. Alexander,J. Allison,K. Ametewee,K. J. Anderson,S. Arcelli,S. Asai,A. Astbury,D. Axen,G. Azuelos,A. H. Ball,E. Barberio,R. J. Barlow,R. Bartoldus,J. R. Batley,G. Beaudoin,A. Beck,G. A. Beck,C. Beeston,T. Behnke,K. W. Bell,G. Bella,S. Bentvelsen,P. Berlich,S. Bethke,O. Biebel,I. J. Bloodworth,P. Bock,H. M. Bock,M. Boutemeur,S. Braibant,P. Bright-Thomas,R. M. Brown,A. Buijs,H. J. Burckhart,R. Bürgin,C. Burgard,N. Capdevielle,P. Capiluppi,R. K. Carnegie,A. A. Carter,J. R. Carter,C. Y. Chang,C. Charlesworth,D. G. Charlton,S. L. Chu,P. E. L. Clarke,J. C. Clayton,S. G. Clowes,I. Cohen,J. E. Conboy,M. Cuffiani,S. Dado,C. Dallapiccola,G. M. Dallavalle,C. Darling,S. De Jong,L. A. del Pozo,H. Deng,M. Dittmar,M. S. Dixit,E. do Couto e Silva,J. E. Duboscq,E. Duchovni,G. Duckeck,I. P. Duerdoth,U. C. Dunwoody,P. A. Elcombe,P. G. Estabrooks,E. Etzion,H. G. Evans,F. Fabbri,B. Fabbro,M. Fanti,P. Fath,M. Fierro,M. Fincke-Keeler,H. M. Fischer,P. Fischer,R. Folman,D. G. Fong,M. Foucher,H. Fukui,A. Fürtjes,P. Gagnon,A. Gaidot,J. W. Gary,J. Gascon,N. I. Geddes,C. Geich-Gimbel,S. W. Gensler,F. X. Gentit,T. Geralis,G. Giacomelli,P. Giacomelli,R. Giacomelli,V. Gibson,W. R. Gibson,J. D. Gillies,J. Goldberg,D. M. Gingrich,M. J. Goodrick,W. Gorn,C. Grandi,E. Gross,J. Hagemann,G. G. Hanson,M. Hansroul,C. K. Hargrove,P. A. Hart,M. Hauschild,C. M. Hawkes,E. Heflin,R. J. Hemingway,G. Herten,R. D. Heuer,J. C. Hill,S. J. Hillier,T. Hilse,P. R. Hobson,D. Hochman,A. Höcker,R. J. Homer,A. K. Honma,R. Howard,R. E. Hughes-Jones,P. Igo-Kemenes,D. C. Imrie,A. Jawahery,P. W. Jeffreys,H. Jeremie,M. Jimack,M. Jones,R. W. L. Jones,P. Jovanovic,C. Jui,D. Karlen,J. Kanzaki,K. Kawagoe,T. Kawamoto,R. K. Keeler,R. G. Kellogg,B. W. Kennedy,B. King,J. King,J. Kirk,S. Kluth,T. Kobayashi,M. Kobel,D. S. Koetke,T. P. Kokott,S. Komamiya,R. Kowalewski,T. Kress,P. Krieger,J. von Krogh,P. Kyberd,G. D. Lafferty,H. Lafoux,R. Lahmann,W. P. Lai,J. Lauber,J. G. Layter,P. Leblanc,P. Le Du,A. M. Lee,E. Lefebvre,D. Lellouch,C. Leroy,J. Letts,L. Levinson,Z. Li,F. Liu,S. L. Lloyd,F. K. Loebinger,G. D. Long,B. Lorazo,M. J. Losty,X. C. Lou,J. Ludwig,A. Luig,M. Mannelli,S. Marcellini,C. Markus,A. J. Martin,J. P. Martin,T. Mashimo,W. Matthews,P. Mättig,U. Maur,J. McKenna,T. J. McMahon,A. I. McNab,F. Meijers,F. S. Merritt,H. Mes,A. Michelini,R. P. Middleton,G. Mikenberg,D. J. Miller,R. Mir,W. Mohr,A. Montanari,T. Mori,M. Morii,U. Müller,B. Nellen,B. Nijjhar,S. W. O'Neale,F. G. Oakham,F. Odorici,H. O. Ogren,C. J. Oram,M. J. Oreglia,S. Orito,J. P. Pansart,G. N. Patrick,M. J. Pearce,P. D. Phillips,J. E. Pilcher,J. Pinfold,D. Pitman,D. E. Plane,P. Poffenberger,B. Poli,A. Posthaus,T. W. Pritchard,H. Przysiezniak,M. W. Redmond,D. L. Rees,D. Rigby,M. Rison,S. A. Robins,D. Robinson,N. Rodning,J. M. Roney,E. Ros,A. M. Rossi,M. Rosvick,P. Routenburg,Y. Rozen,K. Runge,O. Runolfsson,D. R. Rust,M. Sasaki,C. Sbarra,A. D. Schaile,O. Schaile,F. Scharf,P. Scharff-Hansen,P. Schenk,B. Schmitt,M. Schröder,H. C. Schultz-Coulon,P. Schütz,M. Schulz,C. Schwick,J. Schwiening,W. G. Scott,M. Settles,T. G. Shears,B. C. Shen,C. H. Shepherd-Themistocleous,P. Sherwood,G. P. Siroli,A. Skillman,A. Skuja,A. M. Smith,T. J. Smith,G. A. Snow,R. Sobie,S. Söldner-Rembold,R. W. Springer,M. Sproston,A. Stahl,M. Starks,C. Stegmann,K. Stephens,J. Steuerer,B. Stockhausen,D. Strom,P. Szymanski,R. Tafirout,H. Takeda,T. Takeshita,P. Taras,S. Tarem,M. Tecchio,P. Teixeira-Dias,N. Tesch,M. A. Thomson,O. Tousignant,S. Towers,M. Tscheulin,T. Tsukamoto,A. Turcot,M. F. Turner-Watson,P. Utzat,R. Van Kooten,G. Vasseur,P. Vikas,M. Vincter,A. Wagner,D. L. Wagner,C. P. Ward,D. R. Ward,J. J. Ward,P. M. Watkins,A. T. Watson,N. K. Watson,P. Weber,P. S. Wells,N. Wermes,B. Wilkens,G. W. Wilson,J. A. Wilson,V. -H. Winterer,T. Wlodek,G. Wolf,S. Wotton,T. R. Wyatt,A. Yeaman,G. Yekutieli,M. Yurko,V. Zacek,W. Zeuner,G. T. Zorn
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/bf01496577
Abstract:Evidence is presented for kinematic and charge correlations of B mesons with charged pions and kaons. Using a new technique, a sample of over 80 000 partially reconstructed B mesons is obtained in 3.5. 10(6) hardronic Z0 decays recorded using the OPAL detector at LEP. The invariant mass distributions of B+ pi- and B+K- combinations show enhancements consistent with the decays of P-wave resonances of a b antiquark and a light quark. We observe an excess of 1738 +/- 195 B+ pi- pairs with invariant masses in the range 5.60-5.85 GeV and an excess of 149 +/- 31 B+K- pairs with invariant masses in the range 5.80-6.00 GeV. Labeling the observed enhancements generically as B** we find BR(Z0 --> bBAR --> B**0 -->B(*)+pi-)/BR(Z0 --> bBAR --> B+) = 0.18 +/- 0.04, BR(Z0 --> bBAR --> B(s)**0 --> B(*)+K-)/BR(Z0 --> bBAR --> B+) = 0.026 +/- 0.008, where B(*)+ indicates the sum of B+ and B*+ and the errors include statistical and systematic contributions. From a study of pi-B charge-flavor correlations we conclude that the production flavor of a B meson can be tagged with the charge of a pion in an appropriately chosen kinematic region, and that the performance of this flavor tag compares favorably in the Z0 --> qqBAR environment with lepton-based tags.
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