Research of Information System Security Evaluation
CHEN Lei-ting,WEN Li-Yu,LI Zhi-gang
Abstract:This paper introduces the definition, standard and development on evaluation of information security; emphasis on Class of B2 in TCSEC, especially the security policy of B2, such as discretionary access control, object reuse, Labels (label integrity and exportation of labeled information) and mandatory access control. this paper also studies and analyses the other requirements for class B2, such as identification and authentication in the requirement of accountability; operational assurance (system architecture, system integrity, covert channel analysis and trusted facility management) and life-cycle assurance (security testing, design specification and verification and configuration management) in the requirement of assurance; security features user’s guide, trusted facility manual, test documentation and design documentation in the requirement of documentation. in the end of this paper, we study and comparatively analyses the class of B2 with the class of EAL5 in CC.