Characteristics of and Indexes for Evaluating the Balancing Stability of Excellent Shooting Athletes in China
ZHANG Xiu-li,WANG Xiang-dong,LIU Xue-zhen
Journal of Physical Education
Abstract:The authors used the foot-scan balance test system to test the balancing stability of high performance pis-tol and riffle shooting athletes in China,and drew the following main conclusions by analyzing the results:1) among all the shooting athletes,male pistol shooting athletes have the poorest body posture balancing stability and adjust-ing ability;2) shooting training can only reduce the body shaking area as well as back and forth shaking amplitude in the eye-opening condition;3) common balancing stability indexes (back and forth shaking amplitude,left and right shaking amplitude,track length and shaking area of body center of gravity) cannot accurately reflect the char-acteristics of balancing stability of high performance shooting athletes,while the track length per unit area (the ratio of total track length to shaking area),a derivative index,can not only show the balancing stability,but also reflect the posture adjusting ability. When the shaking area is fixed,larger track length per unit area indicates stronger ad-justing ability,faster shaking frequency,better body balancing stability,and lesser effect on the guns at actual shooting. This index can be used as an index for evaluating and selecting shooting athletes.