Gas and dust in the TW Hydrae Association as seen by the Herschel Space Observatory
P. Riviere-Marichalar,C. Pinte,D. Barrado,W. F. Thi,C. Eiroa,I. Kamp,B. Montesinos,J. Donaldson,J. -C. Augereau,N. Huélamo,A. Roberge,D. Ardila,G. Sandell,J. P. Williams,W. R. F. Dent,F. Menard,J. Lillo-Box,G. Duchêne
Abstract:Context. Circumstellar discs are the places where planets form, therefore knowledge of their evolution is crucial for our understanding of planet formation. The Herschel Space Observatory is providing valuable data for studying disc systems, thanks to its sensitivity and wavelength coverage. This paper is one of several devoted to analysing and modelling Herschel-PACS observations of various young stellar associations from the GASPS Open Time Key Programme. Aims. The aim of this paper is to elucidate the gas and dust properties of circumstellar discs in the 10 Myr TW Hya Association (TWA) using new far-infrared (IR) imaging and spectroscopy from Herschel-PACS. Methods. We obtained far-IR photometric data at 70, 100, and 160 microns of 14 TWA members; spectroscopic observations centred on the [OI] line at 63.18 microns were also obtained for 9 of the 14. The new photometry for each star was incorporated into its full spectral energy distribution (SED). Results. We detected excess IR emission that is characteristic of circumstellar discs from five TWA members, and computed upper limits for another nine. Two TWA members (TWA 01 and TWA 04B) also show [OI] emission at 63.18 microns. Discs in the TWA association display a variety of properties, with a wide range of dust masses and inner radii, based on modified blackbody modelling. Both transitional and debris discs are found in the sample. Models for sources with a detected IR excess give dust masses in the range from 0.15 Msun to 63 Msun.
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics