Cosimulation of Shifted-Frequency/Dynamic Phasor and Electromagnetic Transient Models of Hybrid LCC-MMC DC Grids on Integrated CPU–GPUs
Dewu Shu,Yingdong Wei,Venkata Dinavahi,Keyou Wang,Zheng Yan,Xiaoqian Li
Abstract:To effectively capture interactions of large-scale ac-dc systems integrating line commutated converter (LCC) and modular multilevel converter (MMC) based multiterminal dc grids, a numerically accurate and efficient simulation method is desirable. To achieve this objective, a cosimulation method is proposed in this article, where the target system is decoupled into the shifted-frequency phasor (SFP) subsystem, the dynamic phasor (DP) subsystem, and electromagnetic transient (EMT) subsystem, respectively. The MMCs are included in the SFP subsystem and implemented on massively paralleled graphics processing units (GPUs). Thus, the simulation efficiency is greatly improved by adopting a much larger time step, the model order reduction technique, and GPU acceleration. The LCCs are represented by DPs and are included in the DP subsystem. The majority of ac grids are covered in the EMT subsystem. Further, the interactions between SFP and EMT subsystems are reflected by the proposed multidomain transmission line model, which can produce instantaneous and phasor values simultaneously. The interface model between DP and EMT subsystems is modeled as a special controlled voltage and current circuit. Finally, the overall cosimulation method is realized by the respective SFP/DP and EMT models, among which their interactions are reflected by the proposed interface models and the time sequences of simulations. The performance of the proposed method has been fully validated on a practical large-scale ac-dc system.