WSDSNM3: A Web Services-based Distributed System and Network Management Middleware Model and Scheme
ZhiHui Lv,Yu Wu,Chuan Xiao,Shiyong Zhang,YiPing Zhong
Abstract:Traditionally, system and network managementsoftware is tightly tied with the managed IT resourcesthrough their specific manageability interfaces. Toloose this tie, applying Web Services technology insystem and net work manage field is a reasonable way.In this paper, we propose a novel Web Services-baseddistributed System and Network ManagementMiddleware Model: WSDSNM3. This model utilizesweb service technologies in system and networkmanagement. We describe this middleware modelarchitecture. Because Web Service DistributedManagement specification (WSDM), as an initiative ofOASIS organization, helps to build the Web Servicesbasedmanageability interfaces of IT resources, weproposed a novel WSDM-based managementmiddleware model, including Programming Model forWSDM-Based Management Middleware layer,Protocol Hierarchy of A WSDM-Based ManagementMiddleware layer. Furthermore, we discuss MUSEJMXbased system management implementationscheme - WSDSNM3-Platform, including ManagerLayer, WSDM-Gateway Layer, and Agent Layer, andthen analyze the experiment results. At last, from ourresearch experiences and related survey, we analyzethe prospective research direction and challenges inthis field.