Evolutionary-based Image Segmentation Methods
Licheng Jiao
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5772/16106
Abstract:How can such a segmentation be computed efficiently?www.intechopen.comImage Segmentation 180In contrast to the heuristic nature of the methods above, one would formalize an objective criterion for evaluating a given segmentation.This would allow us to formulate the segmentation problem as an optimization problem.The objective function that one would seek to optimize is the interclass variance that is used in cluster analysis.An optimizer can lead to efficient solutions for optimal segmentation.But the objective function is usually not a monotone chain, therefore the problem is general NP-hard.Following this way, some clustering methods have been applied to solve image segmentation problems.Among them, K-means algorithm [8] is the most popular and simplest one.It can partition an image into K clusters by using an iterative technique.Although it can be proven that the procedure will always terminate, the K-means algorithm does not necessarily find the most optimal configuration, corresponding to the minimum global objective function.The algorithm is also significantly sensitive to the initial randomly-selected cluster centers.As global optimization techniques, evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are likely to be good tools for image segmentation task.In the past two decades, EAs have been applied to image segmentation with promising results [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16].These algorithms exploited the metaphor of natural evolution in the context of image segmentation.In this chapter, in order to solve the image segmentation problem more efficiently, we propose two evolutionary-bsed image segmentation algorithms with different objective functions.The first is a novel approach based on memetic algorithm (MISA).Watershed segmentation is applied to segment original images into non-overlap small regions before performing the portioning process by MISA.MISA adopts a straightforward representation method to find the optimal combination of watershed regions under the criteria of interclass variance in feature space.After implementing cluster-based crossover and mutation, an individual learning procedure moves exocentric regions in current cluster to the one they should belong to according to the distance between these regions and cluster centers in feature space.In order to evaluate the new algorithm, six texture images, three remote sensing images and three natural images are employed in experiments.The experimental results show that MISA outperforms its genetic version, the Fuzzy c-means algorithm, and K-means algorithm in partitioning most of the test problems, and is an effective approach when compared with two state-of-the-art image segmentation algorithms including an efficient graph-based algorithm and a spectral clustering ensemble-based algorithm.The second is manifold evolutionary clustering (MEC).In MEC, the clustering problem is considered from a combinatorial optimization viewpoint.Each individual is a sequence of real integer numbers representing the cluster representatives.Each data item is assigned to a cluster representative according to a novel manifold distance-based dissimilarity measure which can measure the geodesic distance along the manifold.After extracting texture features from an image, MEC determines partitioning of the feature vectors using evolutionary search.We apply MEC to solve seven benchmark clustering problems of artificial data sets, three artificial texture image classification problems and two Synthetic Aperture Radar image classification problems.The experimental results show that in terms of cluster quality and robustness, MEC outperforms the K-Means algorithm, a modified K-Means algorithm using the manifold distance-based dissimilarity measure, and a genetic algorithm-based clustering technique in partitioning most of the test problems.In the following sections, we will give the descriptions for the two algorithms in detail.Finally, concluding remarks are presented.www.intechopen.comEvolutionary-based Image Segmentation Methods 181 2. Natural and remote sensing image segmentation using memetic computing 2.1 Introduction This work focuses on image segmentation based on memetic computation.Memetic algorithms (MAs) are one of the recent growing areas in evolutionary computation [17].They are now widely considered as population-based metaheuristic search approaches which may be regarded as a marriage between an evolutionary or any population-based global search and local improvement procedures.Recently, MAs have been well used across a wide range of problem domains.A lot of studies have demonstrated that MAs converge to high-quality solutions more efficiently than their conventional counterparts in many realworld applications [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32].MAs have also been applied in the image processing field [33][34][35][36][37][38].For example, Fernandez, Garana and Cabello [33] proposed a MA-based method for the correction of illumination inhomogeneities in images.Batenburg [34] designed an EA with hillclimb operator for finding a binary image that satisfies prescribed horizontal and vertical projections.Tirronen, Neri et al. [35] studied the defect detection in paper production by means of image-processing techniques based on memetic differential evolution frameworks.Gesù, Bosco et al. [36,37] introduced a new memetic approach for the reconstruction of binary images.Zhang, Wang and Zhang [38] proposed a novel image watermarking scheme using a MA and wavelet transform.In this method, in order to solve the image segmentation problem more efficiently, we propose a MA-based approach, Memetic Image Segmentation Algorithm (MISA), and compare the new method with its genetic version (MISA without learning), the K-means algorithm [8], fuzzy c-means algorithm [39], and two state-of-the-art image segmentation algorithms including an efficient graph-based algorithm [7] and a spectral clustering ensemble-based algorithm [40] in segmenting artificial texture images, remote sensing images and natural images.The rest of this section is organized as follows: Section 1.2 describes some related background including the technologies used in preprocessing the original image and the brief background of MAs.Section 1.3 describes the proposed MA-based image segmentation algorithm.In Section 1.4, we summarize and evaluate the experimental results. Related backgroundBefore performing the portioning process by the proposed MISA, some preprocessing should be done on original images, including feature extraction based on the gray-level cooccurrence matrix (GLCM) [41] and wavelet decomposition [42], and over segmenting object images into small regions by watershed segmentation algorithm [6].In this section, we will introduce these techniques briefly.The MAs will also be introduced in this section. GLCM based statistic featuresGLCM was frequently used in texture analysis and extraction for images [41,43,44].Texture features are demonstrated by the statistics over the GLCM.Four usually used statistics are angular second moment (also called energy), correlation, entropy, and inverse difference moment (also called inertia).In this method, the 14 statistics, including the previous four suggested by Haralick, Shanmugam and Dinstein [41] are exploited.There are four parameters that must be indicated to generate a GLCM, i.e., the interpixel orientation, distance, grey level quantization, and window size.Here we set the interpixel orientation to 0° for convenient How to referenceIn order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following: