Clinical Features of the Overlap Syndrome of Autoimmune Hepatitis and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: Retrospective Study

CH Wu,QH Wang,GS Tian,XY Xu,YY Yu,GQ Wang
Abstract:PBC-AIH overlap syndrome is an autoimmune liver disease between AIH (autoimmune hepatitis) and PBC (primary biliary cirrhosis). To investigate the characteristic of the PBC-AIH overlap syndrome, we have conducted a retros-pective study of 12 diagnosed overlap syndrome patients and compared them with typical PBC and AIH on the basis of clinical, biochemical, serological and histopathological findings. METHODS Patients A total of 52 patients referred to our hospital between January 1998 and January 2004 were diagnosed with autoimmune liver disease. Of the 52 patients, 12 patients suffered from PBC-AIH overlap syndrome, 20 was typical AIH, 20 was typical PBC. PBC-AIH overlap syndrome was strictly defined according to PBC diagnosis published by the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease in 20001 and the Criteria for Diagnosis of AIH revised by the International AIH Group in 1998.2 Biochemical and immunoserological tests Information on each patient including symptoms, signs, clinical findings and data from laboratory or other diagnostic investigations were obtained both at the initial and follow-up visits. Blood samples were obtained for measurements of bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transminase (ALT), glutamyine transpe-ptidase (GGT) and immunoglobulin quantification. IgG and IgM levels were measured by standard techniques, and SMA (anti-smooth muscle antibody), ANA (anti nuclear antibody), LKM (anti liver-kidney antibody), AMA (anti mitochondrial antibody) and AMA M2 were measured by immunofluorescence assays. Histopathologic assessment Liver biopsies were performed before treatment in 52 patients, and the histologic features were evaluated by a single experienced pathologist. The severity of the necroinflammatory process was graded on a scale according to the METAVIR cooperative group criteria.3 Therapy Of the 12 overlap syndrome patients, 3 patients were treated with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) monotherapy (13 — 15 mg · kg−1 · d−1, divided into three separate doses) alone; 3 were treated with prednisone alone at a starting dose of 50 mg/d and then the dosage was reduced until remission was achieved (the indication for prednisone therapy must be individualized); The other six patients were treated with prednisone in combination with UDCA. Statistical analysis Quantitative analysis has been represented by mean ± standard error (SE). Statistical analysis was performed with the Student's t test. Counting analysis has been represented by case number and percentage, statistical analysis was performed by means of χ2 test. P<0.05 is considered significantly different. RESULTS Clinical features Table 1 gives the age and the sex distribution of the three groups of patient, the strong female predominance was found. There was no significant difference among three groups on age, sex proportion and positive percentage of clinical symptoms.Table 1: Age and the sex distribution and laboratory features of the three patient groups at the the time of diagnosis (mean ± SE)Laboratory findings The overlap group showed characteristics of both AIH and PBC. There was a significant difference between the overlap syndrome and PBC groups on ALT, AST, IgG and γ-globulin, and between the overlap syndrome and AIH groups on GGT, ALP and IgM as shown in Table 1. Immunoserological findings at presentation are summarized in Table 2.Table 2: Autoantibody distribution of the three groups at the time of diagnosis (number,%)Histopathology The overlap syndrome showed combined histo-pathological features of both the diseases. The comparison of histopathological findings in overlap syndrome with PBC and AIH are summarized in Table 3.Table 3: Histopathological features of hepatitis and bile duct destruction of the three groups at the time of diagnosis (n,%)Therapy Prednisone treatment was given to 3 of the 12 PBC-AIH overlap syndrome patients, the patients achieved incomplete remission, the serum amino- transferase remained above twice the normal, GGT and ALP did not decrease significantly. After 3-month combination of UDCA and prednisone, the patients entered completely remission after 6 months and withdrew from the treatment within 6 week after 1 year of combined therapy. In 3 of the 12 PBC/AIH patients who received UDCA monotherapy, biochemical features of cholestasis decreased significantly, but ALT and AST levels tended to be higher. Three months later prednisone was added, then the patients achieved remission after six months. In 6 of the the 12 overlap syndrome patients combination of UDCA and prednisone were given. All the 6 patients were asymptomatic, or symptoms or laboratory tests improved. They entered remission within 6 months. Prednisone was successfully stopped over a 6-week period after 1 year of combined therapy. Three patients had a sustained remission after a follow-up of 36 months. Three patients relapsed at 6 months after stopping prednisone treatment, then prednisone was added again as the original treatment regimen, the prednisone dose was reduced until the lowest maintenance dose for 24 months, observation intervals for up to 2 years have indicated satisfactory outcomes. DISCUSSION The etiology of PBC/AIH overlap syndrome is not yet completely understood, many problems are unresolved.4,5 It is autoimmune-mediated, slowly progressive, non-purulent, destructive cholangitis, and lobular hepatitis. It is not clear whether the overlap syndrome represents simply another variation of PBC or whether it is an actual syndrome in its own right.5 It has been reported that 9% to 12 % of patients with typical hallmarks for PBC have features of AIH.5,6 Chazouilieres et al4 diagnosed an overlap syndrome in 12 out of 130 patients with a primary diagnosis of PBC. Compared with typical PBC and AIH on the basis of clinical, biochemical and serological findings, the overlap group showed characteristics of both AIH patients with marked elevated serum aminotransferase, γ-globulin and IgG levels, and typical characteristics of PBC with an elevation of GGT, ALP and IgM levels. There was significant difference between the overlap syndrome group and PBC group on ALT, AST, IgG, and γ-globulin; and between the overlap syndrome group and AIH group on GGT, ALP and IgM. The serologic examination showed ANA and LKM positivity rate in the overlap syndrome group was almost the same as that in AIH group, but higher than that in PBC group. AMA M2 positivity rate was same in overlap and PBC groups, whereas AMA positivity rate was lower in the overlap group than that in PBC group. None of the AIH group was AMA M2 and AMA positive. The histopathological examination of the patienuts with overlap syndrome showed histological features of both PBC and AIH, and each case had individual predominant histopathological change. Clinical diagnosis and laboratory and histological findings in 2 of the 12 patients with overlap syndrome were not in accordance with others. One patient was clinically diagnosed with overlap syndrome. The laboratory examination showed that ALT and AST and bilirubin mildly elevated, GGT and ALP markedly elevated, AMA and M2 were positive, ANA titer is low, but the histopathological findings showed destruction of the bile ducts with no inflammatory changes in the liver lobuli and it was diagonosed PBC histologically. Then the patient was treated with UDCA and the bilirubin decreased, ALT, AST, ALP, GGT continued to increase. Prednisone was added after 2 months and achieved remission during the therapy. We think the histopathological findings is related with different extraction tissues. Another patient was primarily diagnosed with PBC, because ALT and AST mildly elevated, GGT, ALP and bilirubin markedly increased, AMA and M2 were positive, ANA was negative, but the histopa thological findings showed bile duct damage and mild inflammatory changes in the liver lobuli con-firming overlap syndrome. The patient showed good results of the administration of UDCA and prednisone. We think it was related with the patients' immune condition. The accurate clinical diagnosis of overlap syndrome should be based on the clinical presentation,biochemical, hepatic pathological changes and treatment response. Our data support the current practice to treat patients with overlap syndrome using prednisone in combination with UDCA. 7 UDCA or prednisone monotherapy did not show satisfactory outcomes. Patients with PBC who do not respond adequately to UDCA monotherapy, may actually suffer from an undiagnosed overlap syndrome. In summary, the clinical features of PBC-AIH overlap syndrome are in various forms. It has the clinical and histopathological characteristics of both PBC and AIH. Accurate and prompt diagnosis of overlap syndrome should be based on the clinical presentation, biochemical and immune indices, and hepatic pathological changes.
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