Epicardial and Corneal Mineralization in Clinically Normal Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) Mice
V. Meador,R. Tyler,M. Plunkett
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/030098589202900309
Abstract:Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice originate from a spontaneous mutation in the parent strain, C.B17/ICR inbred mice, which impairs T and B lymphocyte function and development.* A defective recombinase system in lymphocyte precursors aberrantly rearranges T lymphocyte receptor and B lymphocyte immunoglobulin genes at the stage of cell development requiring gene expression.8 As a consequence, SCID mice have markedly reduced numbers of B and T lymphocytes and are devoid of serum immunoglobulin. SCID mice used at our facility have had a high incidence of cardiac mineralization not related to experimental procedures. Spontaneous dystrophic cardiac and soft tissue mineralization is well documented in several mouse strains, including DBA, C3H, and BALB/c, but not in SCID mi~e.’~~.’ Location, severity, and incidence of mineralization can be influenced by several factors, including strain, age, sex, and diet?.’ Cardiac mineralization is typically restricted to right ventricular myocardium and epicardium of DBA mice, myocardium of C3H mice, and right ventricular epicardium in BALB/c mice.4 Aorta, kidney, lung, testis, ovary, tongue, and stomach may also be affected, especially in DBA and C3H mice. SCID mice are closely related to BALB/c mice and may have a similar pattern of soft tissue mineralization.8 The inbred strain C.B17/ICR contains a small amount of genetic material from the immunoglobulin heavy chain allele of the C57 Bl/Ka strain, but the majority ofthe genetic component is derived from the BALB/c strain. Twenty-six SCID mice (Imdyne, Inc., San Diego, CA 92 12 1) were acquired at 8 weeks of age and maintained in two groups, each at separate facilities. Group No. 1 (ten males, Nos. 1-10; ten females, Nos. 11-20) and Group No. 2 (six females, Nos. 2 1-26) were kept in conventional housing at 25 k 2 C and 50 * 10% humidity and with 12-hour light/ 12-hour dark cycles; influent room air was hepafiltered, and there was 100°/o exhaust of effluent air. Both groups were given standard laboratory rodent chow (Group No. 1 -Agway Pro-Lab Certified R-M-H Diet #3200; Agway, Waverly, NY 14892; Group No. 2-Purina Pic0 Lab Rodent Chow; Purina Mills, Inc., Richmond, IN 47375) and tap water ad libitum. At 13 weeks of age, all mice were euthanatized using ether anesthetization followed by exsanguination. Mice from Group No. 2 were transported between facilities (transportation time of approximately 2 hours) immediately prior to euthanasia. Blood for serum chemical analyses was collected from abdominal aorta during exsanguination. Serum calcium, phosphorus, urea nitrogen, and creatinine concentrations were determined for all mice from which adequate quantities of serum were obtained. Tissues for microscopic examination were collected and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 2 24 hours. Tissues examined were adrenal gland, aorta (thoracic), bone marrow, brain, cecum, cervix, colon, duodenum, epididymis, esophagus, eye, femur, gall bladder, Harderian gland, heart, ileum, jejunum, kidney, liver, lung, lymph node (mesenteric), mammary gland, nerve (sciatic), ovary, pancreas, parathyroid gland, pituitary gland, prostate, salivary gland, seminal vesicle, skeletal muscle, skin, spinal cord (thoracic), spleen, sternum, stomach, testis, thymus, thyroid gland, tongue, trachea, urinary bladder, uterus, and vagina. Fixed tissues were processed by routine paraffin embedment, sectioned at 4-5 pm, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Selected tissues were stained with von Kossa stain. All mice were clinically normal upon arrival from the vendor and for the subsequent 5 weeks. Macroscopically, 8/16 female and 6/10 male mice had variably extensive, opalescent, finely granular, thickened right ventricular epicardium (Table 1). Lesions ranged in size from a single 1 -mm-diameter focus to extensive areas that covered up to two-thirds of the right ventricular epicardial surface. Microscopically, in 9/16 female and 6/10 male mice, right ventricular epicardium was irregularly thickened (5250 pm) and characterized by patches of fibrous connective tissue interspersed with abundant von Kossa-positive mineralized material (Figs. 1,2). Mineral was incompletely circumscribed by macrophages. Rare myocytes in adjacent myocardium were shrunken and degenerate (i.e., had loss of striation and hypereosinophilic homogenous cytoplasm), and few were incorporated into the overlying epicardium. One male (No. 9) had a single mineralized focus in the left ventricular epicardium near the cardiac apex. One female (No. 17) had a single 1 00-pm-diameter mineralized nodule in the left atrioventricular valve leaflet. Discrete plaques of mineralized material were found in the central cornea of one or both eyes of 9/16 female (8/10 in Group No. 1; 1/6 in Group No. 2) and 7/10 male mice (Figs. 3, 4; Table 1). Mineralized material was deposited as a thin (I 3 pm) band along epithelial basement membranes or in thin clefts located at the epithelial-stromal junction and in