Characteristics of Current and Sediment in the Changjiang Estuary During the Dry seasons —— Take 2003 as an example

ZHAI Xiaoming,HE Qing,LIU Hong,WANG Yuanye,TANG Jianhua
Abstract:According to hydrological and sediment observations in the large scale in the Changjiang Estuary, the characteristics of current and sediment in Changjiang Estuary are as follows: a ) Depth averaged current speed characteristics: In view of time, it is spring > neap and ebb > flood. In view of latitude, the segence is "decrease- increase- decrease" from Xu Liujing to the mouth. And in view of the cross section, it shows the North Branch > the South Branch, the South Channel > the North Channel, and the South Passage is the lowest one. During the spring, the depth averaged current speed of Xu Liujing is 102 cm/s. The speed of The North Channel is the highest one in TM, that is, 128 cm/s. And at the mouth, the speed of the South Passage is the highest one in TM, that is,100 cm/s. During the neap, the depth averaged current speed of Xu Liujing is 78 cm/s. The speed of the North Passage is the highest one in TM, that is, 83 cm/s. And at the mouth, the speed of the North Channel is the highest one in TM, that is, 36 cm/s. b ) Depth averaged SSC: In view of time, it is spring > neap, flood > ebb. In view of latitude, the sequence is "increase- decrease" from Xu Liujing to the mouth. And in view of cross section, it shows the North Branch > the South Branch, the North Channel > the South Channel during the spring, whereas the South Channel > the North Channel during the neap, and the North Passage is relative higher, and the North Channel is higher during the spring but it is the lowest during the neap. During the spring, the depth averaged SSC of Xu Liujing is 0.09 kg/m3. The speed of the North Channel is the highest one in TM, that is, 1.14 kg/m3. And at the mouth, the speed of the South Passage is the highest one, that is, 0.09 kg/m3. During the neap, the depth averaged SSC of Xu Liujing is 0.06 kg/m3. The speed of the North Passage is the highest one in TM, that is, 0.99 kg/m3. And at the mouth, the speed of The North Channel is the lowest one, that is, 0.09 kg/m3. c ) Both during the spring and the ebb, the net water and sediment discharge in a descent order are the North Passage > the North Channel > the South Passage. d ) The current speed and SSC at 0.4H are close to their depth averaged values. The current speed and SSC are balanced in the North & South Passage between them during the spring and the neap, whereas they are relatively unbalanced in the North Channel. e ) Current speed and SSC gradient indicate that the turbulence in a descent order is spring > neap, ebb > flood. And the turbulence diffusion in a descent order is spring > neap, but there’s little difference between the turbulence diffusion during the flood and ebb.
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