Coupled Supersymmetry and Ladder Structures Beyond the Harmonic Oscillator
Cameron L. Williams,Nikhil N. Pandya,Bernhard G. Bodmann,Donald J. Kouri
Abstract:The development of supersymmetric (SUSY) quantum mechanics has shown that some of the insights based on the algebraic properties of ladder operators related to the quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator carry over to the study of more general systems. At this level of generality, pairs of eigenfunctions of so-called partner Hamiltonians are transformed into each other, but the entire spectrum of any one of them cannot be deduced from this intertwining relationship in general -- except in special cases. In this paper, we present a more general structure that provides all eigenvalues for a class of Hamiltonians that do not factor into a pair of operators satisfying canonical commutation relations. Instead of a pair of partner Hamiltonians, we consider two pairs that differ by an overall shift in their spectrum. This is called coupled supersymmetry. In that case, we also develop coherent states and present some uncertainty principles which generalize the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Coupled SUSY is explicitly realized by an infinite family of differential operators which admit orthonormal bases of eigenfunctions of generalized harmonic oscillators.
Mathematical Physics,Functional Analysis