The Experimental Study on Bowel Ischemia in Closed Loop Obstruction by Using Multi-Phase Spiral CT
ZHANG Xiao-ming,YANG Han-feng,HUANG Xiao-hua,TANG Xian-ying,JIAN Pu,YANG Zheng-wei,ZHOU Ji-yong,ZHAO Zong-wen
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the bowel ischemia in experimental closed loop obstruction by using multi-phase spiral CT. Methods Twenty-four New Zealand rabbits of both sexes (mean age, 4 months, and mean body weight, 2.5-3.0 kg) were divided randomly into three groups with each group containing 8 rabbits. After clamping 10—15 cm segments of small bowel and their veins for 0.5 hours (Group A), 1—2 hours (Group B), and 3—5 hours (Group C), respectively, multi-phase spiral CT was performed at baseline, and at arterial, venous, and delayed phases after intravenous contrast administration. Then the rabbits were sacrificed to observe their surgical and histological changes. Two radiologists, blinded to the animal model classification and their histological results, individually reviewed the CT images to observe the CT appearances of the closed loop. Statistical significance criteria was determined by P0.05. Results Continuous enhancement at all phases of the closed loop bowel wall was seen in 7 rabbits of group A, 4 rabbits of group B, and zero of group C, respectively. The CT attenuation of the closed loop wall at baseline and, at arterial, venous, and delayed phases were (56.3±4.3) HU, (139.5±17.9) HU, (145.1±12.6) HU, and (124.9±10.5) HU in group A, (58.8±5.6) HU, (82.5±13.7) HU, (101.0±20.3) HU, and (95.0±16.4) HU in group B, and (62.1±7.8) HU, (63.9±6.6) HU, (59.5±4.4) HU, and (59.6±6.9) HU in group C, respectively. The closed loop CT attenuations among the three groups were not significantly different (P0.05) at baseline, however, they were significantly different (P0.05) at all phases after enhancement. Among rabbits without necrotic closed loop, 11 of 13 had continuous enhancement at all phases, while only 1 of 11 rabbits with necrotic closed loop showed continuous enhancement (P0.05). Conclusion The ischemia of bowel wall in different phases after clamping small bowel and their veins can be evaluated by using enhanced multi-phase spiral CT. Continuous enhancement of bowel wall in multi-phase spiral CT can be seen prominently in the early bowel ischemia, but necrotic bowel shows no enhancement.