Channel Customization for Limited Feedback in RIS-assisted FDD Systems
Weicong Chen,Chao-Kai Wen,Xiao Li,Michail Matthaiou,Shi Jin
Abstract:Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) represent a pioneering technology to realize smart electromagnetic environments by reshaping the wireless channel. \textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0}{Jointly designing the transceiver and RIS relies on the channel state information (CSI), whose feedback has not been investigated in multi-RIS-assisted frequency division duplexing systems.} In this study, the limited feedback of the RIS-assisted wireless channel is examined by capitalizing on the ability of the RIS in channel customization. \textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0}{By configuring the phase shifters of the surfaces using statistical CSI, we customize a sparse channel in rich-scattering environments, which significantly reduces the feedback overhead in designing the transceiver and RISs. Since the channel is customized in terms of singular value decomposition (SVD) with full-rank, the optimal SVD transceiver can be approached without a matrix decomposition and feeding back the complete channel parameters. The theoretical spectral efficiency (SE) loss of the proposed transceiver and RIS design is derived by considering the limited CSI quantization. To minimize the SE loss, a bit partitioning algorithm that splits the limited number of bits to quantize the CSI is developed.} Extensive numerical results show that the channel customization-based transceiver with reduced CSI can achieve satisfactory performance compared with the optimal transceiver with full CSI. Given the limited number of feedback bits, the bit partitioning algorithm can minimize the SE loss by adaptively allocating bits to quantize the channel parameters.
Information Theory,Signal Processing