Regularity of Weak Solutions of Nonlinear Equations with Discontinuous Coefficients
Qi Kang Ran
Acta Mathematica Sinica English Series
Abstract:In this paper, we prove that the weak solutions u ∈ W^1,p_loc( Ω)( 1 < p < ∞) of the following equation with vanishing mean oscillation coefficients A ( x ): - div[ ( A( x )∇ u ·∇ u)^p - 2/2 A( x )∇ u + | F( x )|^p - 2 F( x )] = B( x,u,∇ u), belong to W^1,q_loc( Ω)( ∀ q ∈( p,∞)) , provided F ∈ L^q_loc( Ω) and B ( x, u, h ) satisfies proper growth conditions, where Ω ⊂ R N ( N ≥ 2) is a bounded open set, A ( x ) = ( A ij ( x )) N × N is a symmetric matrix function.