Measurement of the T(T)Over Bar Production Cross Section in P(P)Over Bar Collisions at Root S=1.96 Tev Using Lepton Plus Jets Events with Semileptonic B Decays to Muons
D Acosta,J Adelman,T Affolder,T Akimoto,MG Albrow,D Ambrose,S Amerio,D Amidei,A Anastassov,K Anikeev,A Annovi,J Antos,M Aoki,G Apollinari,T Arisawa,JF Arguin,A Artikov,W Ashmanskas,A Attal,F Azfar,P Azzi-Bacchetta,N Bacchetta,H Bachacou,W Badgett,A Barbaro-Galtieri,GJ Barker,VE Barnes,BA Barnett,S Baroiant,G Bauer,F Bedeschi,S Behari,S Belforte,G Bellettini,J Bellinger,A Belloni,E Ben-Haim,D Benjamin,A Beretvas,T Berry,A Bhatti,M Binkley,D Bisello,M Bishai,RE Blair,C Blocker,K Bloom,B Blumenfeld,A Bocci,A Bodek,G Bolla,A Bolshov,D Bortoletto,J Boudreau,S Bourov,B Brau,C Bromberg,E Brubaker,J Budagov,HS Budd,K Burkett,G Busetto,P Bussey,KL Byrum,S Cabrera,M Campanelli,M Campbell,F Canelli,A Canepa,M Casarsa,D Carlsmith,R Carosi,S Carron,M Cavalli-Sforza,A Castro,P Catastini,D Cauz,A Cerri,L Cerrito,J Chapman,YC Chen,M Chertok,G Chiarelli,G Chlachidze,F Chlebana,I Cho,K Cho,D Chokheli,JP Chou,S Chuang,K Chung,WH Chung,YS Chung,M Cijliak,CI Ciobanu,MA Ciocci,AG Clark,D Clark,M Coca,A Connolly,M Convery,J Conway,B Cooper,K Copic,M Cordelli,G Cortiana,J Cranshaw,J Cuevas,A Cruz,R Culbertson,C Currat,D Cyr,D Dagenhart,S Da Ronco,S D'Auria,P de Barbaro,S De Cecco,A Deisher,G De Lentdecker,M Dell'Orso,S Demers,L Demortier,M Deninno,D De Pedis,PF Derwent,C Dionisi,JR Dittmann,P DiTuro,C Dorr,A Dominguez,S Donati,M Donega,J Donini,M D'Onofrio,T Dorigo,K Ebina,J Efron,J Ehlers,R Erbacher,M Erdmann,D Errede,S Errede,R Eusebi,HC Fang,S Farrington,I Fedorko,WT Fedorko,RG Feild,M Feindt,JP Fernandez,RD Field,G Flanagan,LR Flores-Castillo,A Foland,S Forrester,GW Foster,M Franklin,JC Freeman,Y Fujii,I Furic,A Gajjar,M Gallinaro,J Galyardt,M Garcia-Sciveres,AF Garfinkel,C Gay,H Gerberich,DW Gerdes,E Gerchtein,S Giagu,P Giannetti,A Gibson,K Gibson,C Ginsburg,K Giolo,M Giordani,M Giunta,G Giurgiu,V Glagolev,D Glenzinski,M Gold,N Goldschmidt,D Goldstein,J Goldstein,G Gomez,G Gomez-Ceballos,M Goncharov,O Gonzalez,I Gorelov,AT Goshaw,Y Gotra,K Goulianos,A Gresele,M Griffiths,C Grosso-Pilcher,U Grundler,J Guimaraes da Costa,C Haber,K Hahn,SR Hahn,E Halkiadakis,A Hamilton,BY Han,R Handler,F Happacher,K Hara,M Hare,RF Harr,RM Harris,F Hartmann,K Hatakeyama,J Hauser,C Hays,H Hayward,B Heinemann,J Heinrich,M Hennecke,M Herndon,C Hill,D Hirschbuehl,A Hocker,KD Hoffman,A Holloway,S Hou,MA Houlden,BT Huffman,Y Huang,RE Hughes,J Huston,K Ikado,J Incandela,G Introzzi,M Iori,Y Ishizawa,C Issever,A Ivanov,Y Iwata,B Iyutin,E James,D Jang,B Jayatilaka,D Jeans,H Jensen,EJ Jeon,M Jones,KK Joo,SY Jun,T Junk,T Kamon,J Kang,M Karagoz Unel,PE Karchin,Y Kato,Y Kemp,R Kephart,U Kerzel,V Khotilovich,B Kilminster,DH Kim,HS Kim,JE Kim,MJ Kim,MS Kim,SB Kim,SH Kim,YK Kim,M Kirby,L Kirsch,S Klimenko,M Klute,B Knuteson,BR Ko,H Kobayashi,DJ Kong,K Kondo,J Konigsberg,K Kordas,A Korn,A Korytov,AV Kotwal,A Kovalev,J Kraus,I Kravchenko,A Kreymer,J Kroll,M Kruse,V Krutelyov,SE Kuhlmann,S Kwang,AT Laasanen,S Lai,S Lami,S Lammel,M Lancaster,R Lander,K Lannon,A Lath,G Latino,I Lazzizzera,C Lecci,T LeCompte,J Lee,SW Lee,R Lefevre,N Leonardo,S Leone,S Levy,JD Lewis,K Li,C Lin,CS Lin,M Lindgren,E Lipeles,TM Liss,A Lister,DO Litvintsev,T Liu,Y Liu,NS Lockyer,A Loginov,M Loreti,P Loverre,RS Lu,D Lucchesi,P Lujan,P Lukens,G Lungu,L Lyons,J Lys,R Lysak,E Lytken,D MacQueen,R Madrak,K Maeshima,P Maksimovic,G Manca,Margaroli,R Marginean,C Marino,A Martin,M Martin,V Martin,M Martinez,T Maruyama,H Matsunaga,M Mattson,P Mazzanti,KS McFarland,D McGivern,PM McIntyre,P McNamara,McNulty,A Mehta,S Menzemer,A Menzione,P Merkel,C Mesropian,A Messina,T Miao,N Miladinovic,J Miles,L Miller,R Miller,JS Miller,C Mills,R Miquel,S Miscetti,G Mitselmakher,A Miyamoto,N Moggi,B Mohr,R Moore,M Morello,PAM Fernandez,J Muelmenstaedt,A Mukherjee,M Mulhearn,T Muller,R Mumford,A Munar,P Murat,J Nachtman,S Nahn,I Nakano,A Napier,R Napora,D Naumov,V Necula,T Nelson,C Neu,MS Neubauer,J Nielsen,T Nigmanov,L Nodulman,O Norniella,T Ogawa,SH Oh,YD Oh,T Ohsugi,T Okusawa,R Oldeman,R Orava,W Orejudos,K Osterberg,C Pagliarone,E Palencia,R Paoletti,V Papadimitriou,AA Paramonov,S Pashapour,J Patrick,G Pauletta,M Paulini,C Paus,D Pellett,A Penzo,TJ Phillips,G Piacentino,J Piedra,KT Pitts,C Plager,L Pondrom,G Pope,X Portell,O Poukhov,N Pounder,F Prakoshyn,A Pronko,J Proudfoot,F Ptohos,G Punzi,J Rademacker,MA Rahaman,A Rakitine,S Rappoccio,F Ratnikov,H Ray,B Reisert,V Rekovic,P Renton,M Rescigno,F Rimondi,K Rinnert,L Ristori,WJ Robertson,A Robson,T Rodrigo,S Rolli,R Roser,R Rossin,C Rott,J Russ,V Rusu,A Ruiz,D Ryan,H Saarikko,S Sabik,A Safonov,R St Denis,WK Sakumoto,G Salamanna,D Saltzberg,C Sanchez,L Santi,S Sarkar,K Sato,P Savard,A Savoy-Navarro,P Schlabach,EE Schmidt,MP Schmidt,M Schmitt,T Schwarz,L Scodellaro,AL Scott,A Scribano,F Scuri,A Sedov,S Seidel,Y Seiya,A Semenov,F Semeria,L Sexton-Kennedy,I Sfiligoi,MD Shapiro,T Shears,PF Shepard,D Sherman,M Shimojima,M Shochet,Y Shon,I Shreyber,A Sidoti,A Sill,P Sinervo,A Sisakyan,J Sjolin,A Skiba,AJ Slaughter,K Sliwa,D Smirnov,JR Smith,FD Snider,R Snihur,M Soderberg,A Soha,SV Somalwar,J Spalding,M Spezziga,F Spinella,P Squillacioti,H Stadie,M Stanitzki,B Stelzer,O Stelzer-Chilton,D Stentz,J Strologas,D Stuart,JS Suh,A Sukhanov,K Sumorok,H Sun,T Suzuki,A Taffard,R Tafirout,H Takano,R Takashima,Y Takeuchi,K Takikawa,M Tanaka,R Tanaka,N Tanimoto,M Tecchio,PK Teng,K Terashi,RJ Tesarek,S Tether,J Thom,AS Thompson,E Thomson,P Tipton,V Tiwari,S Tkaczyk,D Toback,K Tollefson,T Tomura,D Tonelli,M Tonnesmann,S Torre,D Torretta,S Tourneur,W Trischuk,R Tsuchiya,S Tsuno,D Tsybychev,N Turini,F Ukegawa,T Unverhau,S Uozumi,D Usynin,L Vacavant,A Vaiciulis,A Varganov,S Vejcik,G Velev,V Veszpremi,G Veramendi,T Vickey,R Vidal,I Vila,R Vilar,I Vollrath,I Volobouev,M von der Mey,P Wagner,RG Wagner,RL Wagner,W Wagner,R Wallny,T Walter,Z Wan,MJ Wang,SM Wang,A Warburton,B Ward,S Waschke,D Waters,T Watts,M Weber,WC Wester,B Whitehouse,D Whiteson,AB Wicklund,E Wicklund,HH Williams,P Wilson,BL Winer,P Wittich,S Wolbers,C Wolfe,M Wolter,M Worcester,S Worm,T Wright,X Wu,F Wurthwein,A Wyatt,A Yagil,T Yamashita,K Yamamoto,J Yamaoka,C Yang,UK Yang,W Yao,GP Yeh,J Yoh,K Yorita,T Yoshida,I Yu,S Yu,JC Yun,L Zanello,A Zanetti,I Zaw,F Zetti,J Zhou,S Zucchelli
IF: 5.407
Physical Review D
Abstract:We present a measurement of the t (t) over bar production cross section using 194 pb(-1) of CDF II data using events with a high transverse momentum electron or muon, three or more jets, and missing transverse energy. The measurement assumes 100% t -> Wb branching fraction. Events consistent with t (t) over bar decay are found by identifying jets containing heavy-flavor semileptonic decays to muons. The dominant backgrounds are evaluated directly from the data. Based on 20 candidate events and an expected background of 9.5 +/- 1.1 events, we measure a production cross section of 5.3 +/- 3.3(-1.0)(+1.3) pb, in agreement with the standard model.