Behavioral Game Between Government and List Companies in China's Stock Market
TANG Ren-wu,NI Xin,Xiang SHOU-fang
Abstract:The stock market has come along with the developed market-oriented economy.A healthy stock market needs the following requirements: socialized market capital equity mechanism,highly-developed social credit system,and clear market-oriented property right.China's stock market has been established in the transitional process from the traditional planned economy to the market economy,during which the market is far from mature and the purpose of the government is to satisfy the state-owned companies' capital needs.In fact,the government has given preference and privilege to the state-owned companies and the stock market.The special outer-rooted stock market mechanism needs inner-rooted government mechanism for the balance of the stock-hold parties;that is, the IPO's companies can obtain capital from equity even though the profit is limited.Moreover,the monitor system is backward compared with companies' deeds and credit,the re-issued stock and increasing capital needs requirements are in low standard,and the exiting period is man-made instead of market oriented.Actually,the government has given numerous advantage points to list companies.Under this condition,the list companies understand well the government's motivations and deeds,and in such a way does the game go on.The outcome will be that the government deregulates the monitor system,and the low-profit companies can attain the equity capital preferential arrangement.Studying the game strategies between the government and the list companies has significant function in regulating the authorities' monitor system,and hence perfects the construction and development of the stock market.