Is Ecstasy-Induced Protracted Symptom of Motion Perception Associated with Altered Regional Homogeneity of Brain?
Wei Ning,Lai Jianbo,Xu Dongrong,Qi Hongli,Wang Qidong,Zhang Minming,Huang Manli,Xu Yi,Hu Shaohua
Abstract:The synthetic hallucinogen 3,4-methylenedioxymet hamphetamine (MDMA) is the main psychoactive constituent of the popular recreational drug “ecstasy.” Whether its neurotoxic effects are fully reversible is unknown. Here we report a patient with protracted syndrome induced by ecstasy. A 31-year-old female came to the psychiatric clinic and complained of a more than 7-year abnormality of motion perception. She described the symptom to be similar to “head-shaking.” The symptom was described as a status of being on a swinging boat. The abilities of occupation and social interaction of the patient were all impaired. Her mood was depressed because of the abnormal motion perception. The patient had no allergic and operation and trauma history. She told the psychiatrist that she started on ecstasy 8 years ago, with a piece or half piece of the drug. Frequency of drug abuse was two to three times a week. After about 6 months, she decided to stop taking the drug. Several weeks later, she started having abnormal motion perception. The symptoms persisted and increased gradually in the past years. She had seen several doctors but no special results were found. On admission, hallucination or illusion was not found. Her thought was logical, delusion was not found, and her mood was depressed. The patient had complete insight. The psychiatrist arranged for routine examinations and particular imaging investigation for the patient. All routine blood investigations were normal. Cerebral structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and resting functional MRI (fMRI) were performed. Electroencephalography was also taken. Imaging was performed on a 3.0-T General Electric Signa Scanner by using a standard GE whole-head coil. Highresolution axial T1 and T2-weighted images were obtained to detect silent lesions. Resting-state fMRI scans were performed by an echo planar imaging sequence with the following scan parameters: repetition time, 2 000 ms; echo time, 30 ms; flip angle, 90°; matrix, 64×64; field of view, 24 cm×24 cm; slice thickness, 3.0 mm; and slice gap 0.8 mm. Each brain volume comprised 32 axial slices and each functional run contained 180 volumes. During fMRI scan, the patient was instructed to keep her eyes closed, relax, and move as little as possible. Surprisingly, the patient felt that her symptom had improved obviously after MRI scans which lasted about 20 minutes. Twenty healthy females aged 25–30 years old were selected as controls. All the controls were right-handed and had no history of any mental disorder or physical disorders. Their resting-state fMRIs were obtained using the same procedure as the patient. Data of the patient and the controls were preprocessed using a toolkit (DPARSF, Kendall's coefficient of concordance (KCC)1 was used for measuring regional homogeneity or similarity of the time series of a given voxel with its nearest neighbors in a voxel-wise way. A second-level random-effect two-sample t-test was performed on the normalized individual KCC maps between the single patient in the resting state and the control group. The resultant statistical map was selected at a corrected threshold of P <0.05, as determined by AlphaSim in AFNI (parameters: FWHM, 4 mm; cluster connection radius r 5.00 mm, with a gray matter mask and a resolution of 3 mm×3 mm×3 mm). Compared with the healthy controls, the patient at resting state showed significant ReHo increases in left inferior temporal gyrus, right calcarine, left occipital gyrus, left inferior frontal gyrus, left angular gyrus, right postcentral gyrus, left precuneus, and right angular gyrus (Table 1), and decreases in left putamen and left medial frontal gyrus (Table 1).Table 1: The different brain regions with ReHo between the patient and the controls (two-sample, t test, P<0.05)Dynamic electroencephalography showed that paroxysmal sharp wave and spike-slow wave were observed in the left central area and left occipital area during sleep period (Figure 1).Figure 1.: Paroxysmal sharp wave and spike-slow wave could be observed in the left occipital area and left central area during the patient's sleep period.After discussing with the Department of Psychiatry, the patient was diagnosed with protracted syndrome induced by ecstasy abuse. Based on the surprising improvement in clinical symptom after MRI scan, the psychiatrists realized that magnetic circumstance possibly result in clinical efficacy. Certainly, placebo effect was also a possible cause. The psychiatrists proposed a rich challenging program, that of treating the patient with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). She was informed about the content of the treatment program and the potential side effects of rTMS in detail. She then decided to take part in the exploratory program and gave her written informed consent. The rTMS treatments were delivered by Magstim magnetic stimulator with an eight-figured coin. The coin was placed over the patient's left prefrontal lobe. The therapy comprised daily sessions with 20 trains per session with the coil tuned on for 4 seconds at a frequency of 10 Hz and MT intensity of 80% and then turned off for 26 seconds (i.e., one train lasted for 30 seconds in total). The cumulative number of daily pulses was 800. After 2-week treatment of rTMS, the abnormal motion perception was much improved. The mood of depression was improved obviously. Her energy and social activities also increased. She also described that 50% of the symptoms had decreased. Because the objective of clinical remission was not obtained, psychiatrists decided to add an antidepressant in the treatment program, combined with rTMS. At the end of the third week, the patient began to take duloxetine (60 mg/d), a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), orally. After 1 week, this dose was gradually increased to 120 mg per day. After 1-month combination therapy, the symptom of motion perception was relieved mostly and mood recovered to the normal level. The treatment with rTMS was ceased while that with duloxetine was maintained. When the patient was discharged, electroencephalography was repeated and showed no abnormality. Follow-up telephone call to the patient indicated that she recovered very well and had only a little residual symptom after discharge. The patient had returned to her work. The serotonergic neurotoxicity of ecstasy has been demonstrated.2 It is associated with impaired serotonergic function.2 Whether ecstasy use may result in long-term damage of the brain is controversial. The evidence of neurotoxicity that ecstasy persistently reduces levels of brain serotonergic activity has been associated with neuropsychiatric disorders, such as depersonalization, depression, and cognitive performance.3,4 However, a similar abnormal motor perception of the patient has not been reported. In this patient, we studied the resting state of her brain by resting fMRI. Resting state is thought of as an intrinsic baseline which is qualitatively different from the states evoked by goal-oriented activity. In the study, we focused on the ongoing and very costly intrinsic activity within the brain system. The abnormal brain activities related to the persistence of the “head-shaking” perception may be helpful in interpreting the mechanism of protracted symptoms induced by ecstasy. Resting-state data obtained through the scans can be analyzed with a variety of methods. In this study, we applied ReHo to analyze the regional connection of neural activities. Inferior temporal gyrus and angular gyrus have been found to deactivate during work memory task in pure ecstasy users.5 ReHo of left inferior temporal gyrus and bilateral angular gyrus of the patient was found to be significantly increased compared to controls. Whether the change of regional homogeneity in these two brain regions in rest state was consistent with the deactivation in task state is unknown. One possible interpretation is that the increase in regional homogeneity of these regions in the baseline could change the patterns or circuits of work memory with which inferior temporal gyrus and angular gyrus are involved. Postcentral gyrus is the primary sensory cortex. Lifetime episodes of ecstasy use were found to be positively correlated with percent activated voxels in the right postcentral gyrus, right thalamus, and right precentral gyrus during motor task performance.6,7 This might be an evidence of the relapse of ecstasy abuse induced by altered motor function which postcentral gyrus was involved in regulating. Resting fMRI data in the present case showed that ReHo of postcentral gyrus has significantly increased in baseline. The sharp wave EEG trait of the central area in the patient puts forth a hypothesis that ecstasy could damage the central area including postcentral gyrus which resulted in protracted motor-conception abnormality. This patient's symptoms were really improved after MRI scanning. Though we do not know the mechanism, the clinical phenomenon really happened. Because of the amazing improvement, we decided to use rTMS to treat the patient. The symptoms of motor perception were obviously improved after the treatment of rTMS. Prior studies demonstrated that rTMS to frontal brain regions was able to enhance dopamine release.8 Therefore, rTMS to the prefrontal cortex was suggested to reduce drug craving, drug seeking, and eventually drug consumption and relapse.9 Recent studies had demonstrated that rTMS could decrease the levels of tobacco craving10 and reduce cocaine craving and dependence.11 In the past 15 years, the efficacy of rTMS for ecstasy abuse has not been reported. There is only one study that performed single-pulse stimulation TMS over the occipital cortex to measure phosphene threshold of ecstasy users and healthy controls. The result was that lower phosphene threshold was observed in ecstasy users with hallucinations.12 This patient's symptoms induced by ecstasy at least suggested us a hypothesis that rTMS could have clinical efficacy for protracted syndrome or drug craving of ecstasy by the above mechanism. Duloxetine is an SNRI drug. It is effective for major depression and generalized anxiety disorder. There are no reports about the efficacy of duloxetine in ecstasy abuse. A norepinephrine transporter inhibitor reboxetine has been demonstrated to reduce stimulant effects of ecstasy in humans.13 The serotonin-selective transport inhibitor citalopram reportedly attenuates the acute psychological (heightened mood, increased self-confidence, and enhanced sensory perception) effects of ecstasy in human users.14 However, double-blind clinical trials should be conducted to demonstrate the efficacy of duloxetine in long-term toxicity of ecstasy. In summary, the patient's abnormal motor perception might be associated with the altered cerebral ReHo. rTMS and duloxetine might have potential clinical efficacy in the neurotoxicity of ecstasy.