Decision Control of Controlling Shareholder,CEO Incentive and Firm Internationalization Strategy

Song Yuanyang,Li Yuanxu
Abstract:Firm internationalization is one of firm's most important strategic actions in emerging China,but gathers less research attention.As the stock is highly concentrated of listed firms and the power distance is high in China,controlling shareholder and CEO play critical roles in firm internationalization.Based on agency theory,we build up a theoretical framework to analyze the effects of controlling shareholder's preference and CEO incentive on firm internationalization.Depart from previous studies,we adopt a process perspective and divide the internationalization process into two parts:the strategic decision-making and implementation of internationalization.Controlling shareholder plays a more important role in strategic decision-making of internationalization than in implementation,and CEO is more critical in the strategic implementation.With hand-collected data of firm internationalization,we find that firms tend to adopt internationalization strategy when decision right is held by controlling shareholder,and state-owned firms are more likely to involve in internationalization than private firms.After internationalization strategy is selected,the speed of firm international expansion is determined by CEO's endeavor to a large extent.The internationalization process is not without risk,and probably has negative effects on firm's short-term performance and also CEO's personal interests.Therefore,CEO incentive is of great importance in strategic implementation of internationalization.In this context,we further analyze how to motivate CEO and find that CEO compensation and ownership incentive have positive effects on firm internationalization but ownership incentive shows greater impact for the whole sample.Furthermore,ownership incentive is more effective than compensation incentive in private firms,and compensation incentive is more effective than ownership incentive in state-owned firms.To sum up,this article distinguishes the different roles of controlling shareholder and CEO in strategic decision and implantation process of firm internationalization,and discusses the synergy between controlling shareholder and CEO.The above findings provide theoretical and empirical evidences for CEO incentive mechanism design.
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