Evaluation of the Nutritive Value of 42 Kinds of Forage in Guizhou Province by Grey Relational Grade Analysis
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11686/cyxb20140112
Abstract:Forty-two species of forage in Guizhou Province were collected and identified. The contents of dry matter, crude protein,crude fiber,ether extract,ash,content of calcium( Ca) and phosphate( P),were measured by conventional analysis methods. Although some indices were different,most of nutrient components were close to each other. Using grey relational grade analysis,the nutritive values of 42 wild forages were evaluated. The nutritive values of 5 species were highest: Compositae plants Siegesbec-kia orientalis,Conyza canadensis,Sonchus oleraceus,Chenopodiaceae plant Chenopodium album,and Amaranthaceae plant Amaranthus retroflexus. Fourteen species were much more nutritious than the others: Compositae plants Artemisia sieversiana,Artemisia annua,Bidens pilosa,Ixeris chinensis,Senecio scandens,Gramineae plants Setaira viridis,Imperata cylindrica,Paspalum distichum,Cynodon dactylon,Polygonaceae plants Polygonum lapathifolium,Fagopyrum cymosum,Moraceae plant Broussonetia papyrifera,Cruciferae plant Capsella bursa-pastoris,Papilionaceae plant Robinia pseudoacacia. Fourteen species were at a mid-level: Compositae plant Kalimeris indica,Gramineae plants Dactylis glomerata,Lolium perenne,Coix lacryma-jobi,Bromus catharticus,Polygonaceae plants Polygonum perfoliatum,Polygonum flaccidum,Amaranthaceae plant Alternanthera philoxeroides,Moraceae plant Humulus scandens,Leguminosae plants Sophora davidii,Trifolium repens,Caprifoliaceae plants Viburnum utile, Lonicera japonica,Convolvulaceae plant Calystegia hederacea,Rosaceae plant Rubus innominatus,Verbenaceae plant Vitex negundo var. heterophylla. The nutrient values of 7 species were relatively lower than the others: Compositae plant Erigeron annuus,Leguminosae plant Piptanthus nepalensis,Caryophyllaceae plant Myosoton aquaticum,Rosaceae plant Rosa roxburghii,Cyperaceae plant Cyperus rotundus,Portulacaceae plant Portulaca oleracea,Rutaceae plant Zanthoxylum simulans. It is suggested that thirty-five species are worth utilizating in future evaluations on the seven indices.