Clinical study of one-stage urethroplasty using free mucosa for the treatment of complex urethral stricture
Yue-min XU,Yong QIAO,Deng-long WU,Ying-long SA,Zhong CHEN,Jiong ZHANG,Xin-ru ZHANG,Rong CHEN,Hong XIE,San-bao JIN
Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of urethral reconstruction with free mucosa for the treatment of complex urethral stricture. Methods Between August 2000 and July 2004,73 patients with complex urethral stricture were treated with colonic mucosal and buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty.Preoperatively,42 cases had undergone suprapubic cystostomy and the remaining 31 cases had Qmax of 1.2-6.5 ml/s(mean,3.6 ml/s).Of the 73 cases,51 underwent buccal mucosal urethroplasty with a free graft of buccal mucosa as reconstructed urethra ranging from 3 to 11 cm (mean,5 cm);and 22 underwent colonic mucosal urethroplasty with a free graft of colonic mucosa as reconstructed urethra ranging from 10 to 18 cm (mean,13 cm).Follow-up included retrograde urethrography, urethroscopy, uroflowmetry. Results The patients were followed up for 2-48 months postoperatively (mean,19 months). Among the 73 patients,67( 91.8 %) voided well. Urethral stricture developed again in 4 cases (3 with buccal mucosal urethroplasty and 1 with colonic mucosal urethroplasty). Urethrocutaneous fistula occurred in 2 cases and colonioabdominal fistula in 1.Biopsy on reconstructed urethra with colonic mucosa showed no primary changes of morphological structure in 1 case with colonic mucosal urethroplasty 47 months after operation. Conclusions Buccal mucosal and colonic mucosal graft urethroplasty is a feasible procedure for the treatment of different types of complex urethral stricture.