Analysis of Correlation Between Photosynthetic Fluorescence Parameters and Hyperspectral Data in Ear-Leaf of Maize
Qiu Yahong,Yang Feng,Zhao Gangcheng,Wang Ling,Zhang Yong,Wang Rui,Huang Shan
Abstract:Photosynthesis of ear-leaf directly affects yield of maize in the late period, it is of great significancefor evaluating photosynthesis quickly and accurately by analyzing the relationship between hyperspectralremote sensing data and photosynthetic related parameters. In this research, four different N levels(N0:0 kg/hm2, N1: 170 kg/hm2, N2: 340 kg/hm2, N3: 500 kg/hm2) were used to analyze the change trends ofphotosynthetic parameters, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, photosynthetic pigments and spectralreflectance of maize ear-leaf, and to discuss the relationship between photosynthetic fluorescence parameters and reflectance data. The results showed that Pn, Tr, Fv/Fm, ΦPSⅡ, P, Chl, Cars, Chl/Cars increased withincreasing N level, and there were significant differences compared with N0 treatment(P 0.05). With a rise of N treatment rate, spectral reflectancedecreased in visible wavelength with increasing N level, opposite trends were found in near-infrared region. Inaddition, the red edge position moved to red wavelength with increasing N level. According to the correlationanalysis of hyperspectral reflectance, first derivative spectrum, vegetation index and PhotosyntheticFluorescence Parameters, the optimal-hyperspectral variable of Pn, Tr, Fv/Fm, ΦPSII, P, NPQ, Chl, Cars and Chl/Cars was Dλ699, Dλ701, Dλ703, Dλ702, Dλ701, R764, Dλ699, Dλ699 and Dλ700, respectively. And the correspondingcorrelation coefficient was 0.81,-0.73,-0.54,-0.58,-0.61,-0.49,-0.996,-0.997 and-0.877(Pu003c0.01). Theoptimal hyperspectral variable for Gs was Dλ575(Pu003c0.05). Therefore, it was possible to assessing photosyntheticfluorescence parameters using hyperspectral remote sensing data, and it would be of great significance foranalyzing yield of maize in the late period of the growing cycle.