Symmetries of Toric Duality

B Feng,S Franco,A Hanany,YH He
Abstract:This paper serves to elucidate the nature of toric duality dubbed inhep-th/0003085 in the construction for world volume theories of D-branesprobing arbitrary toric singularities. This duality will be seen to be due tocertain permutation symmetries of multiplicities in the gauged linear sigmamodel fields. To this symmetry we shall refer as “multiplicity symmetry.” Wepresent beautiful combinatorial properties of these multiplicities and rederiveall known cases of torically dual theories under this new light. We alsoinitiate an understanding of why such multiplicity symmetry naturally leads tomonodromy and Seiberg duality. Furthermore we discuss certain “flavor” and“node” symmetries of the quiver and superpotential and how they areintimately related to the isometry of the background geometry, as well as howin certain cases complicated superpotentials can be derived by observations ofthe symmetries alone.
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