Kinetics Study of Reaction CH3N• NH2+ OH by Multireference Second Order Perturbation Theory and Multireference Coupled Cluster Theory
Hongyan Sun,Chung K Law,Karol Kowalski,Kiran Bhaskaran-Nair
Abstract:The H-abstraction reactions of monomethylhydrazine (MMH) generate four radical intermediates: CH3N• NH2, cis-CH3NHN• H, trans-CH3NHN• H, and C• H2NHNH2, which undergo further decomposition to smaller radicals and stable products. The ß-scission of H atom from the CH3N• NH2 radical is not as feasible as the ß-scission of NH2 and CH3 radicals from the other three radicals due to its higher energy barrier (Sun et al., J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116 (33), 8419-8430). Consequently, the CH3N• NH2 radical undergoes further oxidation reactions. Due to the strong quasi-degeneracy effect, the kinetics of CH3N• NH2+ OH was studied in detail with application of several ab initio quantum chemistry theories. Twenty-five geometries of the stationary point of potential energy surface were investigated by using multi-reference second-order perturbation theory. The single point energies were refined by quadratic configuration interaction theory, coupled-cluster theory, locally renormalized coupled-cluster theory, and state selective multi-reference coupled-cluster theory including Brillouin-Wigner and Mukherjee’s approaches, with single and double excitations and correction for triple excitations. For the OH addition to the central and terminal nitrogen of the CH3N• NH2 radical, the state-averaged active space (4e, 3o) consists of two degenerated p orbitals of the OH and the p orbitals of N atoms in the transition states and H-bonded complexes. For the dissociation of the CH3N (OH) NH2 and CH3NNH2 (OH) adducts, a larger active space was applied. Specifically, for the OH intramolecular abstraction of methyl H, the active space consists of 10 …