The Basic Purpose of Economic Research and Its Approach to Achieve——The Evolution of Mainstream Economics and Relevant Reflection
Zhu Fuqiang
Abstract:With the view of ontology,the basic purpose of economic research is to increase social welfare of the nation,in particular,to raise the living standards of social understratum.Correspondingly,there are two different approaches to achieve this goal.The first one focuses on how to maximize utility with limited resources,that is,the allocation of scarce resources that the neoclassical economics emphasizes.The second one aims to create wealth at constant efficiency,that is,it is the issue about the increase of wealth that classical economics care about.Obvious,the human's demand varies on different historical period;as a result,the ways to promote the general welfare are not the same,which gives rise to the evolution of economics.Besides,research in welfare economics inevitably involves the issues of equity and efficiency.Therefore,modern economics is one-sided and unsatisfying since it is confined to the allocation of scarce resources.