Modelling on Conflict Resolution of Collaborative Design
Junming Hou,Chong Su,Lida Zhu,Wanshan Wang
International Journal of Modelling Identification and Control
Abstract:Collaborative design is a new design style for mechanical manufacture, which is an important means in networked manufacture. Designers work at the same time will encounter the conflict, which should be solved. Firstly, the class of conflict is addressed to make a basis for conflict resolution. Then the conflict resolution method is applied. The resolution model is set up. According to the conflict, four resolution methods are applied, which are constrained and relaxation method, method based on reasoning, reasoning method based on example and law of arbitration. The process of resolution is provided. Dead locks phenomena are danger for system. A set of dead lock resolution mechanism are provided to solve the problem. By means of a case study, the method proposed can assist designers during the conflict resolution.