AFLP Analysis of Cultured and Wild Hard Clam(meretrix Meretrix)populations

HE Chong-bo,CONG Lin-lin,GE Long-li,LIU Wei-dong,ZHOU Zun-chun,GAO Xiang-gang
Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
Abstract:Genetic diversity of five hard clam (Meretrix meretrix) populations was conducted using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) in this study. The five populations included 3 wild ones from Liaoning Dawa(LDYS),Liaoning Zhuanghe(LZYS) and Shandong Dongying (SDYS)and 2 cultured ones from Liaoning Zhuanghe(LZYZ) and Liangning Panshan(LPYZ). Total of 364 reproducible bands amplified with 7 AFLP primer combinations were obtained from 150 individuals. The percentage of polymorphic loci ranged from 84.394 5% to 87.646 5% within the five populations and the overall polymorphic loci percentage of the five populations was 98.630 0%. The Nei’s gene diversity( H ) of the five populations were 0.230 1~0.263 4. The Shannon diversity indices( I ) were 0.361 7~0.424 8,the genetic distances( D ) were 0.259 2~0.536 0 among populations,and 0.259 2~0.536 0 within populations. The percentage of polymorphic loci( P ),Shannon diversity indice,genetic distance for the population LDYS and SDYS were higher than those of the population LPYZ and LZYZ,while the genetic diversity of population LZYS was at middle level. AMOVA analysis indicated that 5.96% of variance was among populations and 94.04% of variance was within populations. Average FST value overall loci was 0.117 0. The five populations were clustered into three major clades through UPGMA method based on genetic distance. Populations of LDYS and LZYZ were clustered into one clade. LPYZ and SDYS were clustered into the second clade,Population LZYS was not clustered into any clade. Although the five populations were grouped into three clusters by whole population,all the 150 individuals from five populations were clustered with each other through UPGMA method based on their genetic distances. The analysis result of population pairwise gene differentiation(GST) showed that great gene flow existed among populations and the genetic diversity between populations was at quite lower levels. The information may be beneficial to future broodstock selection and defining conservation management for the different populations of Meretrix meretrix.
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