Layout Optimization of Aircraft Wing with Topology/Shaping/Sizing Variables All Considered
Wang Wei,Zhao Meiying,Chang Nan
Abstract:Aim.To our knowledge,there is as yet no paper in the open literature synchronously optimizing topology/shaping/sizing variables for aircraft wing.We now present a new hybrid algorithm that can implement such layout optimization and can,in our opinion,get better weigh-cutting results.In the full paper,we explain our new hybrid algorithm in detail;in this abstract,we just add some pertinent remarks to listing the two topics of explanation:(1) description of layout optimization of aircraft wing and(2) hybrid algorithm;topic 2 begins with Fig.1 in the full paper dealing with the flow chart of the hybrid algorithm;according to this flow chart,the genetic algorithm(GA) is used to optimize the topology and shaping design variables and MSC/NASTRAN used to optimize the sizing design variables,then the results of sizing optimization are transferred to GA as the basis of genetic operation in layout optimization;the two subtopics of topic 2 are the layout decision based on expert knowledge(subtopic 2.1) and the GA mixed code(subtopic 2.2);under subtopic 2.1,with the heuristic function of expert knowledge,the layout solution space to be optimized by GA can be reduced greatly so as to expedite search process;under subtopic 2.2,the topology design variables are coded with binary numbers and the shaping design variables are coded with decimal numbers.Finally,we give a numerical example.The quick convergence of our GA(less than 100 iterations),is shown in Fig.4 in the full paper.For this particular wing the optimized weight is 203.38 kg.We believe that,compared with the conventional method,our hybrid algorithm is effective and feasible for solving complex optimization and has good efficiency in the cutting of weight.