Morphology and morphogenesis of the ciliature microtubular organelles in the ventral cortex of Paraurostyla weissei(Hyportrichida,Ciliophora).
LOU Hui-Ling,GAO Wei,NI Bing,GU Fu-Kang
Abstract:The ciliature microtubular organelles in the ventral cortex of Paraurostyla weissei were analyzed with fluorescence labeling of FLUTAX and anti-α tubulin antibody.These organelles consisted of adoral zone of membranelles(AZM),undulating membranes(UM),frontal-ventral-transverse cirri(FVTC),left & right marginal cirri(L-& RMC)and the base-associated microtubules of these ciliatures.The microtubular cytoskeleton of AZM comprised membranelle brackets and its associated microtubules;the base-associated microtubules of FVTC,L-& RMC contained anterior longitudinal microtubules(ALM),posterior longitudinal microtubules(PLM)and transverse microtubules(TM),these microtubules sent forth from the ciliatures and extended to different orientation,forming the microtubule net below the surface of the ventral cortex.These results indicate that the basal components of the ciliature cytoskeleton and the ciliature base-associated microtubules of P.weissei are tubulins.Besides this,the constructive character of marginal cirri base-associated microtubules of P.weissei were different from those of other ciliates(e.g.Stylonychia mytilus),whose TM of left marginal cirri protruded from the ciliature and extended to the right area.During the process of morphogenesis,part of the old AZM was renewed,and the AZM of the proter was formed at the site where the old one was located.The old marginal cirri played an important part in the orientation of the new marginal cirri and supplied its development with some substances.After that,the new marginal cirri formed at the right area but not the original area of the old ones.In some cells,one row of cirri appeared at the left of the new left marginal cirri,it may be formed because the old left marginal cirri had degenerated incompletely.