TOWARD QUANTITATIVE OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY ANGIOGRAPHY: Visualizing Blood Flow Speeds in Ocular Pathology Using Variable Interscan Time Analysis
Stefan B. Ploner,Eric M. Moult,WooJhon Choi,N. Waheed,ByungKun Lee,E. Novais,E. Cole,B. Potsaid,Lennart Husvogt,Julia Schottenhamml,A. Maier,P. Rosenfeld,J. Duker,J. Hornegger,J. Fujimoto
Abstract:Purpose: Currently available optical coherence tomography angiography systems provide information about blood flux but only limited information about blood flow speed. The authors develop a method for mapping the previously proposed variable interscan time analysis (VISTA) algorithm into a color display that encodes relative blood flow speed. Methods: Optical coherence tomography angiography was performed with a 1,050 nm, 400 kHz A-scan rate, swept source optical coherence tomography system using a 5 repeated B-scan protocol. Variable interscan time analysis was used to compute the optical coherence tomography angiography signal from B-scan pairs having 1.5 millisecond and 3.0 milliseconds interscan times. The resulting VISTA data were then mapped to a color space for display. Results: The authors evaluated the VISTA visualization algorithm in normal eyes (n = 2), nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy eyes (n = 6), proliferative diabetic retinopathy eyes (n = 3), geographic atrophy eyes (n = 4), and exudative age-related macular degeneration eyes (n = 2). All eyes showed blood flow speed variations, and all eyes with pathology showed abnormal blood flow speeds compared with controls. Conclusion: The authors developed a novel method for mapping VISTA into a color display, allowing visualization of relative blood flow speeds. The method was found useful, in a small case series, for visualizing blood flow speeds in a variety of ocular diseases and serves as a step toward quantitative optical coherence tomography angiography.