Semi-classical Solutions of Perturbed Elliptic System with General Superlinear Nonlinearity
Fangfang Liao,Xianhua Tang,Jian Zhang,Dongdong Qin
Boundary Value Problems
Abstract:This paper is concerned with the following perturbed elliptic system: −ε2△u+V(x)u=Wv(x,u,v)Open image in new window, x∈RNOpen image in new window, −ε2△v+V(x)v=Wu(x,u,v)Open image in new window, x∈RNOpen image in new window, u,v∈H1(RN)Open image in new window, where V∈C(RN,R)Open image in new window and W∈C1(RN×R2,R)Open image in new window. Under some mild conditions on the potential V and nonlinearity W, we establish the existence of nontrivial semi-classical solutions via variational methods, provided that 0<ε≤ε0Open image in new window, where the bound ε0Open image in new window is formulated in terms of N, V, and W.