An Investigation Efficiency of Chinese Banks
De YANG,Guo-tai CHI,Xiu-feng SUN
Abstract:Based on the historical data between 1998 and 2002 of 14 Chinese commercial banks, the costefficiency, technical efficiency and allocative efficiency are computed by the method of data envelopmentanalysis, in which labor, net value of fixed assets and deposits are the inputs of banks, net profit, the newadded loans, ROE are outputs. The efficiency difference among commercial banks is outlined and theefficiency variance crossing time is examined and the conclusions are derived as following: 1) cost efficiencyof all Chinese banks have increased during the 5 years, but 3 kinds of efficiency of state-owned banks arelower than joint-stock commercial banks as a whole; 2) the cost inefficiency of Chinese commercial banksis mainly caused by the technical inefficiency; 3) There is no significant difference in allocative efficiencybetween state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks. The contributions andcharacteristics of the paper are: the 3 efficiencies i.e. cost efficiency, technical efficiency andallocative efficiency, are calculated and the relationship among them and their characteristics are outlined;and all banks efficiencies in 5 years in succession are computed, the banks efficiencies areranked based on the overall performance of banks in 5 years, avoiding the rank inaccuracy due to the dataerror in single year.