Intra-and Interspecific Competition among Dominant Species in a Secondary Broad-Leaved Forest in Huitong County,Hunan Province

Abstract:Based on the data of tree location mapping and size measured in a 0.96 hm2 plot of secondary evergreen broadleaved forest in Huitong County,Hunan Province,Hegyi's competition index model was used to investigate intraspecific and interspecific competition intensity for dominant species trees.The results show that competition intensity of the top 13 dominant plant species was ranked in the order of Pinus massonianaMachilus pauhoiStyrax suberifoliusLitsea coreana var.lanuginoseAlniphyllum fortuneiClethra fargesiiLiquidambar formosanaCyclobalanopsis glaucaMachilus rehderiiCunninghamia lanceolataLoropetalum chinenseChoerospondias axillariesEngelhardtia roxburghiana.The tree species whose intraspecific competition was more intense than that of interspecific competition were Machilus rehderii,Cunninghamia lanceolata,Choerospondias axillaris and Engelhardtia roxburghiana.On the contrary,the tree species whose intraspecific competition was lower than interspecific competition were Pinus massoniana,Machilus pauho,Styrax suberifolius,Litsea coreana var.lanuginosa,Clethra fargesii,Liquidambar formosana,Cyclobalanopsis glauca.The tree species that had an approximate intraspecific and interspecific competition index were Loropetalum chinense and Alniphyllum fortuneii.The dominant and upper canopy species showed a strong competition intense compared to the lower trees.The competition index had negative correlation with the diameter at breast height of the objective tree.
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