The Hidden Marx

Yu Wujin
Abstract:We don’t face Marx directly when we read Marx’s writings, because we understand Marx generally through texts as medium which orthodox interpreters remain. However, orthodox interpreters have also been puzzled by their own illusions. On one side, they believe that Hegel’s and Feuerbach’s thought have been critically investigated by themselves, in fact, what have been criticized by them are far less than they have imaged, and what have been gotten from Hegel and Feuerbach are far more than they have imaged; On other side, the successors have no critical consciousness towards advanced men in the camp consisted of orthodox interpreters, hence mistakes coming from activities of interpreters have no opportunities to be corrected in time, resulting in Stalin’s Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism. In fact, when Marx’s original thought are Hegelized, Feuerbachlized, and Stalinlized, Marx has become a hidden Marx. That is to say, we have to cast off these levels of coverage through critique, then it’s possible that Marx’s real thought shows itself to us.
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