A Novel Fast Path Planning Approach for Mobile Devices using Hybrid Quantum Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
Mayukh Sarkar,Jitesh Pradhan,Anil Kumar Singh,Hathiram Nenavath
Abstract:With IoT systems' increasing scale and complexity, maintenance of a large number of nodes using stationary devices is becoming increasingly difficult. Hence, mobile devices are being employed that can traverse through a set of target locations and provide the necessary services. In order to reduce energy consumption and time requirements, the devices are required to traverse following a Hamiltonian path. This problem can be formulated as a Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), an NP-hard problem. Moreover, in emergency services, the devices must traverse in real-time, demanding speedy path planning from the TSP instance. Among the well-known optimization techniques for solving the TSP problem, Ant Colony Optimization has a good stronghold in providing good approximate solutions. Moreover, ACO not only provides near-optimal solutions for TSP instances but can also output optimal or near-optimal solutions for many other demanding hard optimization problems. However, to have a fast solution, the next node selection, which needs to consider all the neighbors for each selection, becomes a bottleneck in the path formation step. Moreover, classical computers are constrained to generate only pseudorandom numbers. Both these problems can be solved using quantum computing techniques, i.e., the next node can be selected with proper randomization, respecting the provided set of probabilities in just a single execution and single measurement of a quantum circuit. Simulation results of the proposed Hybrid Quantum Ant Colony Optimization algorithm on several TSP instances have shown promising results, thus expecting the proposed work to be important in implementing real-time path planning in quantum-enabled mobile devices.
Quantum Physics,Emerging Technologies