Zhiping Shil,Qingyong Li,Zhiwei Shil,Zhongzhi Shil
Abstract:dimensional feature vectors, andthesimilarity between High-dimensional indexisone of themost twovideoobjects isdefined byadistance function, e.g., challenging tasks forcontent-based videoretrieval. Euclidean distance, between thecoffesponding feature Typically, invideo database, there exist twokinds of vectors. CBVRisthesimilarity query. Similarity query is clues forquery. visual features andsemantic classes. In usually implemented byfinding kfeature vectors most thispaper,we modeledtherelationship betweensimilar tothefeature vector ofthequeryexample, semantic classes andvisual feature distributions ofdata namely k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) search. setwiththeGaussian mixture model, andproposed a Inmultimedia applications, theamount ofdata isvery semantics supervised cluster basedindex(briefly as large, sofocusing ongetting exact results mayleadto SSCI) approach tointegrate theadvantages ofboth significant inefficiency andmaybeunnecessary. Inthese semantic classes andvisualfeatures. Theentire dataset cases, itisespecially attractive toachieve significant is dividedhierarchically by a modified. efficiency improvements atthecostofa little accuracy custersting a reduction. Current approximate search approaches canbe technique into manyclusters until theobjects within a caeoidinotogerllses[]1)epsnaiv cluster arenotonly close inthevisualfeature space but sizegreducto 2)rerivset reduction. alsowithin thesamesemantic class, andthenanindex Thedimensionality reduction [1]andVA-based entry including semantic clueandvisual feature clueis indexing [2,3,4] areexamples ofrepresentative size built foreachcluster. Especially, thevisual featurereduction. Thedimensionality reduction canovercome vectors inacluster areorganized adjacently indisk. So thecurseofdimensionality toa degree. However, theSSCI-based nearest-neighbor search canbedivideddimensionality reduction sacrifices someaccuracy. So into twophases. thefirst phasecomputes thedistances thedimensionality reduction isusually usedwithother between thequery example andeachcluster index and methods together. InVA-based indexing approaches, returns theclusters withthesmallest distance, here through filtering byretrieving approximation vectors, the namelycandidate clusters; thenthesecondphaseefficiency ofquery isimproved because onlyaportion of retrieves theoriginalfeature vectors within thecandidate original vectors needbeaccessed forretrieval. However, clusters togaintheapproximate nearest neighbors. Our thecandidate original vectors arestored randomly inthe experiments showed that forapproximate searching the database. Visiting thecandidate original vectors stored SSCI-based approach wasfaster thanVA+-based randomly needmanydiskheadshifts, whichis approach; moreover, thequality oftheresult setwas mechanical movement andtheslowest operation inI/O. better thanthatofthesequential search intermsof Theretrieved setreduction canbe achieved by semantics. limiting search insomesemantics rangeorbyclusterbasedindexing approaches. Thesemantics rangelimit