An Efficient Processing Algorithm for Ρ-Dominant Skyline Query
XIN J un-Chang,BAI Mei,DONG Han,WANG Guo-Ren
Chinese Journal of Computers
Abstract:In recent years,as an important operator for multi-decision making,skyline query has attracted much attention from the academia gradually,and a variety of skyline variants based on different dominance relationships have been proposed successively by the database researchers.In this paper,firstly,through making the analysis of practical applications' requirements,the ρ-dominance relationship based on the ratio of corresponding values between the tuples is defined,and then the concept of ρ-dominant skyline query based on the ρ-dominance relationship is proposed.Next,by making a detailed and in-depth analysis of ρ-dominance's basic properties,a novel algorithm,named Branch and Bound ρ-Dominant Skyline Algorithm(BBDS),is developed.The BBDS algorithm avoids visiting R-tree index too many times,which can improve the ρ-dominant skyline query implementation efficiency greatly.Finally,through a large number of simulation experiments,the semantic of the ρ-dominant skyline query is analyzed,and meanwhile the performance of BBDS algorithm is verified by the simulation experiments.The simulation experimental results show that ρ-dominant skyline query based on ρ-dominance relationship is a new extension and complement of the traditional skyline query semantic and the BBDS algorithm proposed in this paper is proved to be a highly effective algorithm for solving ρ-dominant skyline queries.