An Extended Information Service Description Model for Supporting Environment Context--General Technology Report
Xiao Zheng,Wei Li,Junzhou Luo
Abstract:Expressibility of information services is one of the key scientific issues of the project. It is a key foundation of accurately designing and describing service process and content, providing dynamic, accurate and scalable information services to meet diverse and uncertain needs of users. This technical report suggests an information service description model for supporting environmental information description, and based on this model, a service description language OWL-CS is suggested. First, this report analyzes environmental factors that impacts information service invocation, composition and collaboration, and divides the environment into natural and social environment. Service’s natural environment is the service deployment and operation environment relying on the host computer’s hardware and software, and the social environment is the relationship between services, as well as services and users in service ecosystem. Secondly, the parameters of environmental context and their measurement methods are suggested. The natural environment context refers to any information used to describe the service entities in the natural environment, and the social context refers to any information associated with social attributes showed in services interaction. Again, the context meta model of service environment is established and a service description model OWL-CS is designed and implemented to support the environment description. Currently, OWL-S Service class includes three classes: ServiceProfile, ServiceModel and ServiceGrounding. On this basis, the report adds a new context class ServiceContext. This method also makes OWL-CS and OWL-S compatible. By Protégé 4.3 software, anyone can show the structure of OWL-CS, as well as edit and generate an OWL-CS service description file. Finally, the report gives an example of a smart campus to further illustrate the role of the environment context in service selection operation. Recently, researchers have been studied the service context, and suggested the concept of contextual services. We carry out such work earlier in the world wide. Especially in the study of service environment modeling and services social environment context, our work has own distinguishing features.