Synchronous Control of Reconfiguration in Fractal Component-based Systems -- a Case Study
Tayeb Bouhadiba,Quentin Sabah,Gwenaël Delaval,Éric Rutten
Abstract:In the context of component-based embedded systems, the management of dynamic reconfiguration in adaptive systems is an increasingly important feature. The Fractal component-based framework, and its industrial instantiation MIND, provide for support for control operations in the lifecycle of components. Nevertheless, the use of complex and integrated architectures make the management of this reconfiguration operations difficult to handle by programmers. To address this issue, we propose to use Synchronous languages, which are a complete approach to the design of reactive systems, based on behavior models in the form of transition systems. Furthermore, the design of closed-loop reactive managers of reconfigurations can benefit from formal tools like Discrete Controller Synthesis. In this paper we describe an approach to concretely integrate synchronous reconfiguration managers in Fractal component-based systems. We describe how to model the state space of the control problem, and how to specify the control objectives. We describe the implementation of the resulting manager with the Fractal/Cecilia programming environment, taking advantage of the Comete distributed middleware. We illustrate and validate it with the case study of the Comanche HTTP server on a multi-core execution platform.
Software Engineering,Systems and Control