Energy-Efficient Data Gathering Protocol for Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks
ZHENG Guo-Qiang,LI Jian-Dong,ZHOU Zhi-Li
Journal of Software
Abstract:A geographical-aware, integrated topology control, MAC, and routing data delivery protocol, called geographic forwarding protocol with reliable and energy-efficient (REEGF), is proposed to satisfy these requirements for multi-hop WSNs application. In the REEGF protocol, by using a network node with collaborative communications architecture of a dual radio, idle listening time is reduced through sending or listening to a busy tone in a wakeup channel. When adopting time synchronization algorithm of WSNs and probability-based synchronization scheduling algorithm relying on node density and residual energy, network node, in the monitoring state, is awakend synchronistically with a certain probability during any network listening cycle, so idle listening time of redundancy node is reduced and so consistency and stability of the local node’s degree of connectivity can be guaranteed. When network node transitions to a more active transfer state, while adopting the contention among receivers and selecting next-hop relaying node, which is a neighbor node toward the destination SINK with the mostadvancement based on the geographical location, REEGF protocol can integrate Medium Access Control (MAC), routing and topology management into a single layer, save the resources of each node in WSNs, balance the energy consumption of the nodes throughout the network, and guarantee timeliness of data delivery. The results of the theory analyzing and simulations show that REEGF outperforms GeRaF for monitoring and surveillance applications, in terms of the energy efficiency, delay of average multihop data delivery, and the uniformity of network node’s energy consumption. Accordingly, the network lifetime is prolonged considerably and increased approximately linear with node’s density.