A Fuzzy Extension of Description Logic $\mathcal{ALCH}$
Yanhui Li,Jianjiang Lu,Baowen Xu,Dazhou Kang,Jixiang Jiang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/11579427_16
Abstract:Based on the idea that the cut sets of fuzzy sets are indeed crisp, but facilitate a normative theory for formalizing fuzzy set theory, this paper introduces cut sets of the fuzzy concepts and fuzzy roles as atomic concepts and atomic roles to build \(\mathcal{EFALCH}\) , a new fuzzy extension of \(\mathcal{ALCH}\). This paper gives the definition of syntax, semantics and knowledge base of \(\mathcal{EFALCH}\) and discusses the comparison among \(\mathcal{EFALCH}\) and other fuzzy extensions of \(\mathcal{ALCH}\). In addition, this paper defines the acyclic TBox form of \(\mathcal{EFALCH}\), presents sound and complete algorithms for reasoning tasks w.r.t acyclic TBox, and proves the complexity of them is PSPACE-complete.